puddles download the launcher open it and go to settings check that the destination of the game folder is correct also exclude plutonium folder in% localappdata%

does not open the game -
does not open the gamealready fixed, folder destination change to original
does not open the game
opened a time remaining and showed this -
does not open the gamemalwarebytes , no, i will try
does not open the gameI open the game I open the launcher open and close
installed on my pc all the requirements
does not open the gameI previously opened the game but now it does not open
Virus en plutoniumHannesC Si I am intrigued by why this happens
Virus en plutoniumHpro Zeus uninstall the game, delete the "AppData \ Local \ Plutonium" folder delete the "temp" and "% temp%" files then re-download piry but this time in a separate folder opened the game and detected a virus again, honestly there It must be a reason why it should be on the local disk, I don't know
image url)
Virus en plutoniumHola I went into a plutonium server and then closed the game completely leaving this warning about a virus, what can I do?
Can i play in LAN modeHow can I play in LAN mode with my friends?