@lResxt Thanks man, much appreciated!
![Ultimateman Ultimateman](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-53415/53415-profileavatar-1733709123198.png)
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ] -
How do I add a custom main menu screen for B02 zombiesGewehr 1920x1080 for the menu background works and does not crash. take a look on my Tranzit Reimagined Release if you don't believe otherwise.
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]attached a tutorial is provided in the downloadable file
[Zombies] How do I become invisible to Zombies?hnlk dont listen the other guy, hes rambling nonsense. When in a custom game match type the following in console: sv_cheats 1; god
If you're tryna do it on your server, include sv_cheats 1 in your server config -
How do I add a custom main menu screen for B02 zombiesGewehr why 1024x1024? Looks ass on the main menu. Use 1920x1080 to get more clear image. Have not tested if it supports hkgher than that.
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]@Espitiax ive already provided the source files
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]@PoPGoesRichtofen I'm glad that you like it
And to answer your question about patreon, no I don't have a patreon account.
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]AdrX003 thank you boss man
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]birchy sorry my bad ill put em up to git
and thanks!
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]teh_bandit you know it boss!
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ][ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
Hey yall! This is my Tranzit mod which changes plenty of things in the map.
- No fog
- No denizens
- Custom day & night cycle for each player
- Rotating sky box
- No lava / lava damage
- Unlimited stamina
- Player speed increased by 35 units per second
- Jetgun has unlimited ammo ( lovely )
- Jetgun can be used by everyone at the same time ( no jetgun limit )
- Pack a Punch door stays open forever once players have turned on the power
- Turbine doors stay open once players have turned on the power
- Custom placed models ( +- 200 ) around the map to make the map look more believable
- Players spawn now only spawn in with 500 points & points are reset on after a full bleed out ( Thanks to Squidely for suggesting the changes )
- Electric Trap & Turret no longer need Turbine
- Electric Trap's health increased from 60 to 180
- Unique player character looks
- Custom Pack a Punch Camo
- Over 190 custom textures
Download links
git dl: https://github.com/DevUltimateman/tranzit-2.0-reimagined
SOLO: https://mega.nz/file/HzJjHYzC#28Qkr5JJvMEiCibuefchlTiGz_I1o7TaCb4OHn2zyeY
COOP: https://mega.nz/file/T7IjkSRT#GzlzTURFapPm0uemuF1vIL7tP-rIgXzyJDU8JEiFzEs
SOLO: https://www.mediafire.com/file/03l0haa5rrh8dbu/data_solo.zip/file
COOP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0k056cc2dilm8o2/data_coop.zip/fileTombstone fix credit: jezuzlizard - https://forum.plutonium.pw/user/jezuzlizard
Jetgun fugery: Bandit - https://forum.plutonium.pw/user/teh_bandit
Gzmorz: Helped with model array & log printing
Trailer can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNidBIvSqaI&t=4s
Thank you for checking out my mod!
Amount of time that went into creating this mod: ~500 hours
How can I enable Self player Shadows?Sethly Are you still looking for it? Try this
r_EnablePlayerShadow 1. If you don't have any experience in gsc I would suggest you to type that in the in game console when you are in a match. I can't remember if it requires server to have sv_cheats on. If you want to include it in a gsc file then call it in a player spawn function. Copy this: setDvar( "r_enablePlayerShadow", 1 ); -
Alpha Tester Applications ThreadWhat is your Discord Name? (Include the # and numbers after the name) Ultimateman#9753
What timezone are you located in? Eastern European Time, GMT+3
Are you able to troubleshoot software problems effectively? Yes
Do you have a good understanding of the English language in both written and spoken form? Yeah I do
Are you able to follow instructions and behave maturely when required? Yes
Can you attend voice chats? (Having a microphone is preferred but not required) Yes
Can you show anything you've helped with previously? (A youtube channel, github, moderate a community, run a clan etc) I have done lot's of unpatching for both BO1 & BO2 Zombies. I also have a youtube channel with 3.9k + subscribers & I am an admin of 2 discord servers, both having 50+ people in the cord.
Is there anything else you'd like to say / provide? A friendly guy who has a passion for BO1 & BO2 stuff. I come along with pretty much everyone and I try to be as "productive" and friendly as I can. Cheer up for Pluto! -
Using r_xxxx dvars through a GSC file?Sorex I can change the values in "in game console" but can't get them to work through gsc
Using r_xxxx dvars through a GSC file?TheHiddenHour code goes as follows in the _clientids.gsc:
#include maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_util;
#include maps/mp/_utility;
#include common_scripts/utility;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility;
#include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util;
#include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weapons;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_net;init()
//level.clientid = 0;
level.player_out_of_playable_area_monitor = 0; //This doesn't disable deathbarriers yet but needs to be "initialized" here.
level.inital_spawn = true;
level thread onplayerconnect();
setDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
setDvar( "developer", 2 );
setDvar( "developer_script", 1 );
setDvar( "zombie_cheat", 1 );
setDvar( "sv_clientside", 1 );
setDvar( "r_skyTransition", 0 );level.devcheater = 1;
onplayerconnect() //checked matches cerberus output
for ( ;; )
level.player_out_of_playable_area_monitor = 0; // if this is placed somewhere else, deathbarriers will start working again. //Ultimateman August 2020.
level.devcheater = 1;
level waittill( "connecting", player );
//player.clientid = level.clientid;
player thread onplayerSpawned();
player thread enable_ufo_mod();
self endon ( "disconnect" );
level endon ( "game_ended" );
self.initial_spawn = true;Text = createfontstring("objective", 1.0); Text setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", -370, -200); Text setText("^2Unpatched Alpha Build ^21.5\n^7Developed by Ultimateman\n^2Black Ops 2"); Text.alpha = 0.7; for( ;; ) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if ( level.inital_spawn ) { level.inital_spawn = false; level thread post_all_players_spawned(); } if ( self.inital_spawn ) { self.inital_spawn = false; //----------------Developement stuff-------------// //---------------Ultimateman Changes-------------// self.score = 50000; //---DeV self.ignoreme = 1; //---DeV //self enableInvulnerability(); //---DeV //self giveWeapon( "blundersplat_upgraded_zm"); //---DeV ||MOTD //self giveMaxAmmo( "blundersplat_upgraded_zm"); //---DeV ||MOTD self giveWeapon( "ray_gun_zm" ); //---Online / Dev ||ALL MAPS self giveMaxAmmo( "ray_gun_zm" ); //---Online / Dev ||ALL MAPS maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks::give_perk( "specialty_armorvest", 0 ); //---Dev / Online wait 4; self thread showConnectMessage(); //---------------------------------------// //---REMOVING THE HUD FROM THIS POINT---// //--------------------------------------// //---HUD_VISIBLE, 0 ONLY REMOVES HUD---// //------SV_CHEATS 1 IN THE INIT-------// //---CG_CROSSHAIR 0 IN THE CONSOLE---// wait 12; players = getplayers(); i = 0; while ( i < players.size ) { players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 ); //Set to 0 when recording players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "hud_crosshair", 0 ); players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "hud_obituaries", 0 ); players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "hud_showobjicons", 0 ); if ( i > players.size ) { players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 ); players[ i ] setclientuivisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 1 ); } i++; } player thread spawn_if_round_one(); //player thread visual_changes_highrise(); } }
//flag_wait( "start_zombie_round_logic" );wait 0.05; level.local_doors_stay_open = 1; level.power_local_doors_globally = 1;
for (;;)
self iPrintLn( "^6BO2 ^7Zombies Debug ^2Build ^7v.^61.5" );
wait 2;
self iPrintLn( "^6Developed ^7by ^2Ultimateman" );
while( isDefined (level.player_out_of_playable_area_monitor) )
level.player_out_of_playable_area_monitor = 0;
self endon( "disconnect" );
self iprintln("^7Hello:^6 " + self.name);
wait 1.5;
self iPrintLn("^6Welcome to the alpha build of unpatched maps! ^7:)");
wait 4.0;
self iPrintLn( "This patch ^2supports:" );
wait 2.0;
self iPrintLn( "OG Trample Steam ^2Glitches^7||" );
wait 2.0;
self iPrintLn( "Disabled ^2Deathbarriers^7||" );
wait 3.0;
self iPrintLn( "Unpatched Collision ^2Fixes^7||" );
wait 1.0;
self iPrintLn( "Unpatched Zombie ^2Pile Ups^7||" );
wait 1.0;
self iPrintLn( "^5More ^7Stuff ^5Coming ^7Soon^2||" );
wait 1.0;
}online_joining_and_given_score() //get thenwhen into game
wait 5;
if ( self.sessionstate == "spectator" && level.round_number <= 15 )
self [ level.spawnplayer ];
if ( level.script != "zm_tomb" || level.script != "zm_prison" || !is_classic() )
thread maps\mp\zombies_zm::refresh_player_navcard_hud();
if ( level.round_number < 5 )
self.score = 2500;
else if ( level.round_number < 10 )
self.score = 5000;
else if ( level.round_number < 13 )
self.score = 7500;
else if ( level.round_number >=15 )
self.score = 9500;
}} else if ( self.sessionstate == "spectator" && level.round_number >= 15 ) { self.score = 10000; }
flag_init( "spawn_zombies", 1 );//set to 0 when recording tuts
flag_init( "hud_visible", 0 );
}spawn_if_round_one() //force spawn player
wait 5; //waits for blackscreen to load
if ( self.sessionstate == "spectator" && level.round_number == 1 )
self [ level.spawnplayer ];
if ( level.script != "zm_tomb" || level.script != "zm_prison" || !is_classic() )
thread maps\mp\zombies_zm::refresh_player_navcard_hud();
self endon("EndUFOMode");
self.Fly = 0;
UFO = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
if(self FragButtonPressed())
self setclientuivisibilityflag( "hud_visible", 0 );
self disableweapons();
self playerLinkTo(UFO);
self.Fly = 1;
self setclientuivisibilityflag( "hud_visible", 0 );
self unlink();
self enableweapons();
self.Fly = 0;
if(self.Fly == 1)
Fly = self.origin + vector_scale( anglesToForward( self getPlayerAngles(), 10)); //speedUFO moveTo(Fly, .1); //from point a TO b } wait .001; }
ufo_state = false;
if(self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self adsbuttonpressed() && !ufo_state)
self iprintln("UFO Mode ^2ON");
ufo_state = true;
self thread doUFOMode();
else if(ufo_state && self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self adsbuttonpressed())
self iprintln("UFO Mode ^1OFF");
ufo_state = false;
self notify("EndUFOMode");
wait .001;
vector_scale(vec, scale)
vec = (vec[0] * scale, vec[1] * scale, vec[2] * scale);
return vec;
}setclientdvars( dvar_name, value )
dvar = (dvar_name[0] * value, dvar_name[1] * value, dvar_name[2] * value);
return dvar_name;
setDvar ( "r_skyTransition", 0 );
setDvar ( "r_skyColorTemp", 25000 );
setDvar ( "r_skyRotation", 4 );
setDvar ( "r_sky_intensity_angle0", 39 );
setDvar ( "r_sky_intensity_angle1", 39 );
setDvar ( "r_blur", 0.6 );
setDvar ( "r_alphamap", 128 );
setDvar ( "r_colormap", 2 );
setDvar ( "r_bloomHiQuality", 1 );
setDvar ( "r_dof_tweak", 1 );
setDvar ( "r_dof_farblur", 2 );
setDvar ( "r_dof_nearblur", 6 );
setDvar ( "r_dof_viewmodelend", 5 );
setDvar ( "r_dofHDR", 2 );
setDvar ( "r_lightTweakSunLight", 30 );
setDvar ( "r_dof_nearstart", 15 );
setDvar ( "r_lightTweakSunDirection", -36, -142, 0 );
setDvar ( "r_enablePlayerShadow", 1 );
setDvar ( "r_lodbiasrigid", -1000 );
setDvar ( "r_lodbiasskinned", -1000 );
*/ -
Using r_xxxx dvars through a GSC file?Hi!
I was wondering if it's possible to have dvars such as r_skyTransition loaded through a gsc file?
I can change them through a console once in the map but I would like them to be loaded through a gsc file so I wouldn't have to change the values everytime I hop on in the map.
I already have tried loading them in via gsc but either I'm fucking up with something or then it's not possible..
Any advice / answers are much appreciated.
Thanks! -
Multiple questions - Scripting helptechboy04gaming Answer for 3rd question. If you teleport a player in an area where players have not gone yet and doors to that location are closed they will die because playable area zones are not connected to that location (doors must be opened). You can bypass this by disabling the "volume death barrier a.k.a" player_outside_of_playable_area by changing it's value to false;