Yo_Angelo nevermind i figured it out
![VvWANABEEvV VvWANABEEvV](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)
Max players in zombies -
Max players in zombiesstill not working this is the whole paragraph (im using zombies ++)
sv_offline "0" // Enables the offline mode. 1 = offline, 0 = online useful for LANs or in the case we get shut down.
g_password "" // Password protected Game Server
sv_maxclients "8" // Maximum players that are allowed in your server (1-8)
//sv_minPing "0" // Minimum ping neede to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//sv_maxPing "400" // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//zm_gungame "1" // Enable Pluto's custom Gun Game?
//zm_sharpshooter "1" // Enable Pluto's custom Sharp Shooter?
gts zmDifficulty "1" // Difficulty? 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal
gts startRound "1" // Starting Round. Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Auto team balancing
//gts teamCount "2" // Turn this on for grief only!
//gts magic "0" // Remove all supernatural assistance? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts headshotsonly "1" // Headshots only? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts allowdogs "1" // Allow Hellhounds? Only Survival has this option!
//gts cleansedLoadout "1" // Allow players to choose their Loadout? Only Turned has this option!
//set g_loadScripts "0" -
Max players in zombies//sv_maxclients "8" like this?
Max players in zombiesI know they fixed the max players for zombies but its still not working, I tried sv_maxplayers is their a solution?
party_maxplayers is not working after the new plutonium updateJezuzLizard ok so when i run it whenever someone gets downed the start standing up with revive above them and when you revive them they just wont stand up
party_maxplayers is not working after the new plutonium updateJezuzLizard ok it worked thank you so much
party_maxplayers is not working after the new plutonium updateSorex do I type this when I'm in the game? or do I type it into the server cmd area
Max player countDss0 wait im doing this for zombies and its not working
Max player countDss0 ok thank you so much
Max player countDss0 sv_maxclients "5" like this??
Max player countI cant make a 5 player server, even tho i changed it to max players 5
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverSorex im dumb i was putting the original in, and when i put the compiled i didnt rename it im so stupid
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverSorex I have one more question when I compile my gsc, what do i do with the compiled version
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverSorex ok thanks anyway
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverSorex _clientids.gsc this is also happening with every mod I use
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverSorex I put it in:
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops II\t6r\data\maps\mp\gametypes_zm -
[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++Cahz I get this error every time I start zombies
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x00624570 -
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverJezuzLizard I tried both and it didn't work, this is the code im using , im using simple zombies
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\zombies_zm;
#include maps\mp\zombies_zm_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_message;
#include maps\mp_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
Mod: Zombies Simple MOD
Author: DoktorSAS
level.clientid = 0;
level.perk_purchase_limit = 9;
level thread onplayerconnect();
drawZombiesCounter(); //Thanks to CabConModding
for (;;){
level waittill( "connecting", player );
player.clientid = level.clientid;
player thread onplayerspawned();
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self thread AnimatedTextCUSTOMPOS("Welcome to ^1Zombies \n^7Thanks to ^5DoktorSAS", 0,-200); //Welcome Messages
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
}AnimatedTextCUSTOMPOS(text, x, y){ //Made by DoktorSAS
textSubStr = getSubStr(text,0,text.size);
result = "";
welcome = self createFontString("hudsmall",1.9);
welcome setPoint("CENTER","CENTER",x, y);
welcome setText("");
color = textSubStr[i]+textSubStr[i+1];
if(color == "^1" || color == "^2" || color == "^3" || color == "^4" || color == "^5" || color == "^6" || color == "^7" || color == "^8" || color == "^0" || color == "\n"){
result = result + color;
result = result + textSubStr[i];
if(i == textSubStr.size){
welcome setText(text);
welcome setText(result);
wait 0.15;
welcome setText(result + "^7_");
wait 0.15;
wait 2;
welcome setText("");
self iprintln("Whats Inside: \n # ^1NO ^2Perk ^7Limit \n # ^1Zombies ^7Counter");
}drawZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("hudsmall" , 1.9);
level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", "CENTER", 200);
thread updateZombiesCounter();
updateZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter");
zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
if(zombiesCount >= 0){
level.zombiesCountDisplay setText("Zombies: ^1" + zombiesCount);
level.zombiesCountDisplay setText("Zombies: ^2" + zombiesCount);
recreateZombiesCounter(){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter");
thread updateZombiesCounter();
waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification){ //Thanks to CabConModding
level endon(endonNotification);
oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count();
if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount){
wait 0.05;
} -
GSC error whenever I run my zombies serverevery time I put my mod in for zombies my server just crashes I get this error code:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x00624570