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Plutonium Updater download stuck -
Plutonium Updater download stuckhrtvinq I mean like deleting plutonium completely like deleting the appdata folder of plutonium.
no 1920x1080 option with a 1920x1080 displayCheck nvidia control panel.
Plutonium Updater download stuckhave you tried reinstalling?
VPNYou'll have to talk to the server owner.
(COD BO2) Zombies mode used to load, but for some reason it doesn't anymore.Torrented game files are no longer supported.
0xc00007b Error windows 11try restarting your pc after installing them.
NEED HELP WITH LOG INYou need to update the plutonium launcher. Unpin plutonium from your taskbar and launch it using the exe.
t4 selected file problemScreenshot of your file path?
i got bannedIf its a server ban then nothing the plutonium team can do. Contact the server owners for an appeal and wish yourself the best of luck.
How do I host/join a private WaW Zombies server with my friend?RobotsInDistress Call of duty displays your nat type in the game menu. Should be at the bottom of the screen. It either says strict, open, or moderate.
How do I host/join a private WaW Zombies server with my friend?RobotsInDistress What's you and your friend's nat type?
How do I host/join a private WaW Zombies server with my friend?Have you tried using the command xpartygo? -
false banServers can ban you for any reason. They aren't hosted by plutonium so if you want to get unban, you'll have to get in touch with the server owner. Or just find a better server provider.
Got banned without knowing whyBurger Muncher tyrone_gokgok not quite. They have a strict anticheat for a reason. The first ban is usually 7 days. To give you a warning. If you're caught again then you'll be been much longer. This is usually people not taking the anticheat seriously or have not read the rules to ensure they won't break it. Not sure how hard it is for someone to break cause I haven't broken it. The anticheat bans you automatically not manually by the plutonium team.
Got banned without knowing whytyrone_gokgok That means it wasn't the first time you were caught. If you had anything that messed with the game even in the background can trigger the anticheat.
I feel like everyone is fake now...feeling angryNikoNikoNiiiiii Not gonna lie, it sounds like you're new to the internet. Welcome, you're new here. Finding those friends you talked about it actually rare.
I can't play with my friendsWhat's your nat types? You and your friend?
My sniper scope appears further zoomed out then the default zoom.Rehype cg_fovmin is the fov your sniper scope is in.