@rXerix Did you press refresh

BO1 multi crashes when i try and find a server -
BO1 multi crashes when i try and find a server@rXerix use in-game server browser for multi.
Offline, lan serverGCPC006 said in Offline, lan server:
But I don't have a CONFIG document, not in BO2, not in Plutonium
The config files are available to download in the server setup guide in docs.
Banned For 5 more daysK Jiggle said in Banned For 5 more days:
hey samethging got banned because i downloaded n opened this bo2 mod tool thing for a zombies gun. banned. hoping any staff could get back n give me one more chance i play all the time i hate cheaters as much as every legiot player on pluto n w bo1 dropping ab to be a hoot. wont ever happen again id even show some support n donate to show thanks. i just really dont want to wiat please get back to me pluto staff..
Next time make your own post, but there are no second chances. Make sure you read the anticheat page here and be careful next time assuming this isn't your second offense.
Ban Appeal for the Discord serverCyberia said in Ban Appeal for the Discord server:
I was banned about 2 years ago I think? I don't remember what I did to get banned but I am ip-banned from the discord server and was wondering if I can get the ban appealed in any way? If I have to think about it, I think I MAY have been banned for arguing with a mod but I am not 100% sure, I also donated to gain access to black ops 1 and was wondering if I can be unbanned so I can test-play the new client.
What is your discord name?
COD: BO1 Plutonium?!?!yes it is happening
problema para jugar con amigosluisito00765 El problema ya esta solucionado
El juego se crashea cuando quiero entrar a una sala de amigosHay un problema con unirse a amigos en este momento y Pronto llegará una solución.
Para jugar "Custom Games" necesitas seleccionar "Play" en lugar de "Custom Games"
problema para jugar con amigosSabemos del problema y el problema se solucionará pronto
Just fix your automatic anticheat systemCachitoh You may have indirectly edited the memory without your knowledge. Here's my suggestion, wait out your 7-day ban, and before you launch pluto make sure there isn't any program or application open that can mess with the games.
Also, people LOVE to lie about being falsely banned. It is the reason why the anti-cheat policy is so strict in the first place. People will do anything to get out of a ban and that includes blatantly lying. Now I'm not saying you're lying at all, but because so many people get banned and try to lie their way out of it, the anti-cheat policy has to be unforgiving no matter what. Very sorry about what happened and I hope you can enjoy plutonium after your ban. -
Got a case of a snap-aim user on controller.xracecar This is not cheating. Just looks like a player who's very good with pre-patch DSR and most likely on controller due to the aim assist that is present.
Ban AppealBUSSYY The Anti-Cheat Policy (what MemeKing linked) is very strict when it comes to cheating. Ban appeals are never accepted as well as we don't do ban appeals. Next time if you want to use any scripts or cheat in a custom game, take a look at this. https://plutonium.pw/docs/modding/loading-mods/#loading-mods-into-plutonium
any plans for adding aim-assist to MnK?Oh god
NetflixnChill role signup thread.Hey,
My discord tag is Yo Angelo#1987
The Shrek movies were very fun to watch btw.
WAW serversgarycoleman Yeah
WAW serversgarycoleman or...
YOU can make your own servers
Custom Zombies Server Help -
Custom Zombies Server HelpDss0 Thanks that worked. But now I have another issue. When I am about to join my server the server will crash and restart. It will do this every time. Do you know why?
Custom Zombies Server HelpSo when I try to connect to my Custom Zombies servers I will always get an error that resembles this. I have so far tried 3 custom zombies maps: ZM_Minecraft, Bus despot, and Nuketown Remastered 1.2. All 3 of these then show the same error as shown below. Keep in mind that the server runs fine as heartbeats go through and everything. I am simply confused as to why it happens and if there is potentially a way to fix this. I have my bat setup as shown in Chase's "How to load a mod/custom MP map on a server." If you need any more info just tell me in the comments.
IW4MADMIN doesn't work on ZombiesI've tried IW4Madmin on WAW Zombies too and it simply just does not work for me. Maybe something will happen in the future to fix it though.