After some community request, I released my IW Diamond Camo now for Zombies
Here is the MP Camo:
After some community request, I released my IW Diamond Camo now for Zombies
Here is the MP Camo:
OK guys now that I have some free time on my hands I will get back to this. I'll make the ZM camo request. The thing is this will only work well on MotD bc I need some files to work with and Mob has the best ones. Origins might also work but I'll have to test it out.
For now, I need to know what you would prefer. Should I merge the existing Pack camo with my Diamond camo? For example IW Diamond but with the glow effects of Mob or just a clean Diamond replica like in MP?
And some color requests for the glow effects if they are liked by the community
here is the first preview of my test with Mob:
Is there still demand for this to be a zombies camo? Then I will get back to camo making
BrokenDreams_ yes Im talking about the ai/pathfinding.
I always wanted to change the zombie behavior of different zombie titles to the Bo1 behavior. Is there anyone who has done this before and is willing to share some src. I did mod Bo2 and Bo3, even if its just some hints in the right direction... anything will help.
if you want you can check out the ones I uploaded
Is this still an active question?
hindercanrun I just wanted to reply based on your suggestion. I haven't had any time in the last few months. I just wanted to help
hindercanrun It´s a Script. you can't actually change the round with a console command directly. It is possible but with custom, dvar´s that you declare in the scripts. Then you could change them via the console. In addition to that you have to make a Listener on the Dvar that detects when the value changes. In that Listen you can make a function that is called when the change happens with the value set via the console in game. So you would set the dvar in game to
let's say 50 and then the listener detects a change and calls a function with the value 50. in the function you can paste my script above and set the value that is marked with XXXXXXX to the given value (in our case 50).
self thread ZombieKill();
XXXXX stand for the Round you want to skip to
when you use
self thread ZombieKill();
you skip one round.
Images will be posted later
Replacement for the 115 Camo
Made by: zombieinject
is this still an active request i have some
@M0untainLight6 thank you i hope you like it
I recreated the Diamond Camo from IW. I tried to recreate it as best as possible I'm new in the Camo-making Community.
Replacement for the Ghost Camo
Made by: zombieinject
There is a Zombie version now:
Download Zombie: