[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++
Cahz is there any way to play zombies++ in solo/lan mode ?
Cahz Can you teach me how to only use the force players round 1 and the fast restart, please?
wait you can play custom games with this??
To have all players spawn on round 1, you can use this simple GSC in your script.
Add this into your script anywhere.
spawn_if_round_one() //force spawn player { wait 5; //waits for blackscreen to load if ( self.sessionstate == "spectator" && level.round_number == 1 ) { self [[ level.spawnplayer ]](); if ( level.script != "zm_tomb" || level.script != "zm_prison" || !is_classic() ) thread maps\mp\zombies\_zm::refresh_player_navcard_hud(); } }
Then add this
player thread spawn_if_round_one();
under your OnPlayerConnect function, like so.
onPlayerConnect() { level endon( "end_game" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for (;;) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread spawn_if_round_one(); } }
Hope this helps
yo Cahz can i play custom games with this or what im just wondering for now?
Cahz sorry to bother you again, but, how can i compile this code, what do i have to download?
Unresolved external : "drawcustomperkhud" with 3 parameters in "_zm_chugabud" at lines 1, 1
@Hobo-Tim check your _clientids.gsc
so how would i install this with the latest ver of bo2 zombies with plutonium ?
Cahz Can i play with friends who dont have the mod or vice versa?
Cahz OK I wanna change like the amount of zombies or the price of anything n stuff I see I can do it in the source file but you said to compile it before replacing the gsc file but I have no clue how to do that could you send a video or a link to something that does that I have notepad++ but no clue how to use it
Who can help me install, because I can't get my discord: Sn34KeRz_Off # 9162
Cahz why you are not able to use some perk machines in some maps? and why do u use modded icons for the perks that are not on the maps? can't you just replace the icons with the originals? i know nothing about this kind of stuffs so that's why i'm asking you.
why you are not able to use some perk machines in some maps?
Because of limitations you can't load assets from one map to another
(cant grab PHD Flopper machine from MOTD and use it on Buried as example)and why do u use modded icons for the perks that are not on the maps? can't you just replace the icons with the originals?
Can't do that because of limitations.
(can't use Stamin-up perk icon on maps that don't have it loaded) -
Cahz about the icons: I saw you change colors of jugger and others perks to make them look like PHD, stamina-up, etc. couldn't you do like, for example: instead of change the colors, try to recreate PHD icon. i don't know if i'm explaining it right.... Basically, make a fake PHD Flopper icon and put it on other maps where PHD it's not allowed, instead of change colors.
Cahz I'm getting a script error on server start.
Hi! everything is working fine with the mod. I have many mods along with your mod, i think the only problem i saw was that when i add flopper machine to MOTD, the game runs fine until someone buy the perk and then suddenly, it crashes. By the other hand, i wanna know when is the Game Length displayed? Instantly after everbodie dies? Because im not seeing it. Hope u can help me in a way or another. Thanks
Everything works nicely so far, though I haven't delved too much into it on all of the maps yet. How do I make the cfg changes stick in LAN mode?
does this work on lan?
None of the maps work beside die rise.
every time I try another map I get an error code.
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x008F4412