[Support] Help Fixing Code
JARDASs Can you explain more? What is your issue? Also you can send images without link
Im trying to compile Sentinel Mod Menu to Play on my dedicated server and it gives syntax errors cause it cant decompile in 100% i think
Btw i cant send images here idk whyIf u want source code to help me id love to learn:
JARDASs said in [Support] Help Fixing Code:
line 206
Sorex Still not working
ThrzModdingRMT How di you fix it? The error is that line because you are calling a function dircelty related to an object. GSC don't allow you to do that in this way
I did not fixed but if u could help me i will apreciate -
ThrzModdingRMT Send me the code and i will look at it
Source Codeelse if(option == 9) { if(stoggle(9)) { self thread loop_handler(9); break; } if(!isdefined(self.healthbarhudelems)) { return; } for(i = 0; i < self.healthbarkeys.size; i++) { self.healthbarhudelems[self.healthbarkeys[i]].bgbar destroy(); self.healthbarhudelems[self.healthbarkeys[i]].bar destroy(); self.healthbarhudelems[self.healthbarkeys[i]] destroy(); } }
I didnt find any solution cause im having this same error similiar code in another script and i want so bad to fix it but i cant
GSC studio give error when you use self.healthbarkeys[i] as index for an array, but you can save it on a var an use it as an index. Probably its just an issue related to the gsc syntax of GSC Studio. You should be able to compile it with the compiler in both wayelse if(option == 9) { if(stoggle(9)) { self thread loop_handler(9); break; } if(!isdefined(self.healthbarhudelems)) { return; } for(i = 0; i < self.healthbarkeys.size; i++) { index = self.healthbarkeys[i]; self.healthbarhudelems[index].bgbar destroy(); self.healthbarhudelems[index].bar destroy(); self.healthbarhudelems[index] destroy(); } }
![0_1627129592119_ss.JPG](Uploading 100%)how can save it on a var an use it as an index?
sry man i dont understand anything of coding xDD -
ThrzModdingRMT I sended to you the code...
i tought u were explaining me ty btw -
bro it worked but ...wait(0.01); } self sgetmenu().currentmenu = -1; updatemenu(); hud = self createfontstring("objective", 2); hud settext("^2Hold [{+gostand}] ^3and [{+usereload}] to ^2Respawn"); hud.x = 0; hud.y = 0; hud.alignx = hud; hud.aligny = hud; hud.horzalign = hud; hud.vertalign = hud; hud.color = 1, 1, 1; hud.alpha = 1; hud.glowcolor = 1, 1, 1; hud.glowalpha = 0; hud.sort = 5; hud.archived = 0;
ThrzModdingRMT for rgb color you have to write (number1, number2, number3) so hus.color = 1,2,3; its wrong because hud.color is 1 but 2 and 3 are not assigned to anything. Change it with hus.color = (1,1,1);
I finally ended but when it compiles it doesnt show anything and the file compiled does not show up