Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined
valditko Sharing your opinions about the mod is fine, but it shouldn't be changed by him, because it wasn't how you wanted it. Takes away the experience that others didn't get to try out yet. If you look at the source code. You can tell he spent a long time developing this mod. Any changes you want for your own personal take. Change it as you will. Since the source code is provided. It's a solid mod and well developed
You can add back fog with
r_fog 1
and DOF withr_dof_enable 1
Zombie Blood is very annoying when going for high rounds. I feel like this version of Zombie Blood is still on theme for the powerup.
I think having staff parts to pick up on Origins is enough.
You are underestimating the use of Arthur. It is a very good trap for going for high rounds, and allows you to revive players easier while he kills all the zombies around.
valditko understandable on some points. some if not most of these are map aesthetics but the majority of people, like myself, wanted stuff like the tranzit fog to be removed
bruh i just remembered a part of the trailer with emp isnt it to much that it disables all your perks
Just don't EMP yourself
It's mainly added for Grief. -
isnt it possible to only be for grief modes not regular games?
It should be possible
Jbleezy The only thing missing that I PRAY that you're working on it is extra perks in the rest of the maps, the origins perks should be in all maps, if you manage to do that, you'll certainly be the best bo2 modder alive, lol
GCordido We need full mod tools for that unfortunately
Jbleezy I've seen some servers managing to add other perks to other maps, I'm sure something can be done for the client, it would suck if nothing can be done
Yeh seen other mods add perks like the cold war mod and the zombies++ mod i think, would be cool if phd and staminup and added to mob in particular
Jbleezy btw is there a way to stop zombies from cancelling your sprint when they hit you or is that hard coded? if possible would be great as an optional setting
GCordido You can add perks, but not with 100% of the assets. They use other perk machines that are already in the map and other icons that are loaded in the map.
I will only add new perks to BO2 Reimagined when they are 100% working.
Jbleezy wouldnt that need porting actual assets? doesnt that need mod tools though?
Froggyyy All the servers and mods you see with extra perks. Are only able to use the assets that are available for that map. That's why you sometimes will see jug perk machine as flopper with a different icon, etc. You can mimic certain perk abilities with GSC. For example adding mule kick to town is actually adding the multiplayer specialty perk. Since zombies runs on the multiplayer engine. It's like adding the bootleg version of the perk. Where this mod aims for a authenticity feeling. With zone tools or mod tools we can port the actual assets needed. Not a easy task at all to make those tools, but I'm sure one day that will be a possibility.
RedxSkull I saw you decreased shellshock from explosives, is it possible for zombie slap as well so it doesnt stop player from sprinting?
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Stangz1ma Nope, you get all or nothing.
Error:As far as I know, the scripts must be compiled (I tried to compile them and they give errors), I downloaded the executable, but igula doesn't work -
_UNINSTALL_ You must have Plutonium installed wrong, scripts no longer have to be compiled.