Ascension no space monkeys?
@FluffySn0w0yFox thank you!!! it worked
can some one just make a script for the script folder for remove the monkeys please Resxt
That is already provided.
is there a more detailed tutorial on how to do this?
i know nothing about modding scripts and such
yea i made it to gsc and but it to C:\Users\Phone\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom but it didint work this was the script: main()
replacefunc(maps_zombiemode_ai_monkey::init, ::removemonkeys);
replacefunc(maps_zombiemode_ai_monkey::monkey_prespawn, ::removemonkeys);
replacefunc(maps_zombiemode_ai_monkey::monkey_round_spawning, ::removemonkeys);
replacefunc(maps_zombiemode_ai_monkey::monkey_setup_spawners, ::removemonkeys);
replacefunc(maps_zombiemode_ai_monkey::monkey_round_tracker, ::removemonkeys);
but if you are talking about this level.dog_rounds_allowed = false; i didnt cheak and if it works does it romove dog rounds Xerxes Resxt
mine is not working either, putting it in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom and C:\Users\TCube\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\maps, it looks like in the post from sourpatch his worked but he put it in the zombie_cosmodrome folder, but I don't know where that is
AuthenticSquare i think its not a folder, its a ff file, but idk
Youd put it into scripts i think, Im more of a bo2 modder so i prolly wouldnt know to much
This post is deleted!
For those that need help installing, the script needs to specifically go into: