The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Thread
Xool Xuicider It already exists? -
Deagle Yep, CoE is the best custom map
If there are .menu files, it would be nice to use those too. I don't know if there is already compatibility with WaW. Some cod use menus in Lua others use .menu . They are very interesting on the server side
Add linux server support
thekap RektInator Spectre This should work on Linux servers for Pluto, right?
Mr. Android 8 player servers with custom maps would be siiick :DD
Yo_Angelo Plutonium Staffreplied to games7ful on Dec 16, 2020, 12:55 AM last edited by Yo_Angelo Dec 16, 2020, 2:55 AM
games7ful Custom maps already exist but yes 8 players on zombies would be cool.
Mr. Android controller support would be dope!
Mr. Android said in The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Thread:
thekap RektInator Spectre This should work on Linux servers for Pluto, right?
Servers will run through wine just like IW5 and T6.
how about adding camos in t4 that would be kinda cool tbh
superpop Custom camos?
rewind I'm sure that's what he meant
superpop I don't know if it's a good idea, why do you want camos? zombies already have custom camos in their own custom maps and for MP probably the people will make their own custom camos and will upload them on the forum page (like bo2)
H3X1C Plutonium Staffreplied to Cigar on Dec 16, 2020, 6:40 PM last edited by H3X1C Dec 16, 2020, 8:42 PM
Cigar said in The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Thread:
H3X1C It's an issue with the game A LOT of people wish was fixed but Treyarch doesn't update this game anymore, so if it was a base fix, I'd be happy.
It is not an issue it's an intended function of the gun. Most probably to stop the gun being too OP with it having infinite damage. The upgraded variant of the weapon is called
stands forJuggernog Zapper
.The weapon has code specifically in the damage script sto achieve the effect of removing your Jug. The code didn't write itself, it's not a bug, it's an intended feature of the weapon a debuff.
Cruppz said in The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Thread:
Cigar H3X1C Fixing the waf jug glitch would mostly likely & should be a mod as console and pc waw have the same bug, fixing the glitch for pc would cause a lot of issues in Der Riese World records and would most likely need a split category on zwr if it was automatically fixed within plutonium without a mod.
Don't worry, see above for explanation.
Thanks Killera for the information.
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- Stop linking that here. It is not allowed.
Mr. Android Xbox one controller works as the 360 controller does. ps4 controller can be "tricked" to think its an Xbox controller with a small programme called DS4WINDOWS by Jays2Kings. not sure if this is info that you find useful but hopefully will give you something to work off
JezuzLizard Plutonium Staffreplied to H3X1C on Dec 17, 2020, 3:57 AM last edited by JezuzLizard Dec 17, 2020, 6:06 AM
H3X1C I went ahead and studied the code for the tesla gun because I've always been certain that it was a bug and wasn't necessarily intended to function the way it currently does.
tesla_pvp_thread() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self waittill( "spawned_player" ); for( ;; ) { self waittill( "weapon_pvp_attack", attacker, weapon, damage, mod ); if( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() ) { continue; } if ( weapon != "tesla_gun" && weapon != "tesla_gun_upgraded" ) { continue; } if ( mod != "MOD_PROJECTILE" && mod != "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" ) { continue; } if ( self == attacker ) { damage = int( self.maxhealth * .25 ); if ( damage < 25 ) { damage = 25; } if ( - damage < 1 ) { = 1; } else { -= damage; } } self setelectrified( 1.0 ); self shellshock( "electrocution", 1.0 ); self playsound( "tesla_bounce" ); } }
This is the code that controls the tesla guns damage against the player. Not only are there no specific mentions of "specialty_juggernaut_zombies" aka jug, the weapon also doesn't affect the players max health. Instead the weapon changes the players current health to a set value depending on how much health the player has.
The actual bug itself is where the tesla gun sets the players health permanently to a value lower than the players max health. This may be an issue with how the game deals with regenerating health if health is set to a specific value instead of damage being dealt. Health resets once a player goes down and is revived/respawned which is why that fixes it.
Edit: I just wanted to point out that it is indeed a bug, but I personally don't think it should be fixed by Plutonium.
Bossnage Yeah something like the ugx mod browser but expanded on.