game crashes in multiplayer and zombies
in order to help us help you we need quite a lot of information:- What where you doing when the game crashed?
- Which map and game mode where you playing?
- Do you have any mods installed?
- In case you crashed on zombies, which difficulty did you play on?
- Do you have any overclocks applied?
- Do you have any DirectX overlays?
- What Exception Code did you get?
- What Exception Address did it show?
- The dump file (check
- nothing i tried to open it and its crashes
2.i couldnt even get in the main menu - no
- i couldnt even play or not even the main menu shows up
- i dont think so
- i have directx but idk if it overlays
- Exception Code: 0xC0000005
- Exception Address: 0x007135C3
- nothing i tried to open it and its crashes
Upload the dump file to gdrive/mega and send the link here as well. And by overlays he meant msi afterburner or rivatuner statistics or such ingame overlays.
mehdiplayswrote on Jan 1, 2021, 11:33 AM last edited by mehdiplays Jan 1, 2021, 1:33 PM and yea ik i have none of that
HannesC uh so whats gonna happened now? From this error you guys can found out how can i fix it or
Uhh RektInator needs to take a look into that.
HannesC how long would it takes
the new update didnt fix me anything and idk how to update it to r1178
Maystroreplied to mehdiplays1 on Jan 2, 2021, 1:47 PM last edited by Maystro Jan 2, 2021, 3:47 PM
mehdiplays1 to update the game you need to run it with plitonium.exe
if you dont have the updater program
download it from the plutonium page
i did use that but still crashes
Maystro in task manager the power usage of the launcher rises very high why so?
mehdiplays1 i dont know i did the update