Answer "y" to "Use PlutoT6 parser", this is plutot6 afterall so you need the parser for it.
Also is the rcon password (the one you also set in your pluto t6 server.cfg) actually "1111"? highly recommend that to change something more complex lol.
If you are using IW4M Admin, you can configure it from the web panel, you can add messages that are repeated on all your servers or add unique messages for each server.
Duui YT Nobody wants to help someone who isn't willing to help themselves.
Do some research on GSC and scripting instead of just spamming the forums with a million questions. All of these things could be answered on your own if you spend just a little time doing research.
Well you made a mistake while configuring your server.
Maybe you answered "n" to "use pluto t6 parser"?
Or you punched in the wrong rcon password.
Post a screenshot (or the text directly in code tags) of the "servers" section in configuration/IW4MAdminSettings.json.
i need help why when i download bo2 using piry setup it always says download error even if network is full and then it just below it continues downloading