$h*t bruh the first fourth and last ones are golden!()
othere ones are straight up like from 2010 clickbait first time texture changes

[t6]zm_bo2 gold pap camo for tranzit,nuketown,die rise&buried -
Β‘Help!np lad although its not as same as the one you sent its more silver than it
[t6]zm_custom menu background&Tranzit Pre Alpha loading screensweat! best background for the best map of all time my fav
Β‘Help!yeah bud here you can just copy them and rename them to all guns and it would turn out just like this just make sure they match the names or they wouldnt work
~mtl_t6_wpn_smg_mp40_ir-r&mtl~533fe71c.iwi -
Β‘Help!how about these XD
7 Camo Pack (ZM)Ultimateman its just so much fun seeing new cool camos with the boys and compare them like theyre prizes or some shit for our nucleuss coop Session
Β‘Help!you need to have these tools greyhound paint.net iwi fast convertor and photoshop ( i have an old version thats around 363 mb i dont want extra tools and shiat that i dont know how to work with them for 3 gb or somethin plus mine is portable and can convert png to dds pretty well (not working for mw3 though that boi is difrent XD) so yeah
here the links what they dogreyhound: it extracts the textures from the game in order to do that you open it then press load then you go to your mw3 bo1 or 2 game diractory and for each is difrent for bo2 once your there you go to zone then all and here is all your bo2 textures orginaized in sections but for bo1 an mw3 once your there you go to main then you have to go through all iwd files to find whach yo looking for
https://github.com/Scobalula/Greyhound/releases/download/ just for converting your png or jpg to dds you dont really need it if you have my old photoshop for changing bo2 only but if you want to change some of bo1 or mw3 textures i recommend having it
https://github.com/paintdotnet/release/releases/download/v5.0.10/paint.net.5.0.10.install.anycpu.web.zipiwi fast converter: its in the name you just drag your iwi files in it to turn it to dds then you change the texture to whatever you want then you drag the new dds to iwi again type the number version of the cod game you want to covert it to
https://www.itsmods.com/forum/attachment.php?aid=2433photoshop: i mean if you dont know this one then idk what to tell ya man where have you been its your main tool for changing textures thats it there are a lot of tips and tricks you can learn and make your texture changing much faster and less stresful theyre other alternatives to photoshop go watch some youtube videos youll thank me later
(if you want my portable old version just tell me ill send it to ya)
this is all you need to know to start texture changing animated shit is another can of poop you can see in youtube
and for changing textures in photoshop watch this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpqMCQ-BlzY -
[ZM]BO2_MoTD Colors PaP Camo_By Folbixsick alterntive colors man the green orange and remasterd are
[ZM]T6_Black Ops II Massacre PaP Camo_By Folbixbloody hell my brother
7 Camo Pack (ZM)bruh! im bout to bust XD that firey and green cosmic camos are fabulous
Β‘Help!idk but you can make them yourself by changing both base gun texture and the _c or _col textures .iwi to white ish grey color so it will turn out silver chrome like
how to customize the backgroundyou need to have these tools paint.net iwi fast convertor and photoshop ( i have an old version thats around 363 mb i dont want extra tools and shiat that i dont know how to work with them for 3 gb or somethin plus mine is portable and can convert png to dds pretty well
heres the files for MP and zombies ( you can set 2 for mp 1 for when ur in the first menu and ur about to click online button and the other is for
when your in the menu you clicked after online)
the names of the files should be
menu_mp_soldiers.iwi (first mp menu)
lui_bkg.iwi (after online button has been pressed)
lui_bkg_zm.iwi (zm for zombies pretty self explanatory)
heres mines as refrence
these two are for mp
paint.net: just for converting your png or jpg to dds you dont really need it if you have my old photoshop for changing bo2 only but if you want to change some of bo1 or mw3 textures i recommend having it
https://github.com/paintdotnet/release/releases/download/v5.0.10/paint.net.5.0.10.install.anycpu.web.zipiwi fast converter: its in the name you just drag your iwi files in it to turn it to dds then you change the texture to whatever you want then you drag the new dds to iwi again type the number version of the cod game you want to covert it to
https://www.itsmods.com/forum/attachment.php?aid=2433photoshop: i mean if you dont know this one then idk what to tell ya man where have you been its your main tool for changing textures thats it there are a lot of tips and tricks you can learn and make your texture changing much faster and less stresful go watch some youtube videos youll thank me later
(if you want my portable old version just tell me ill send it to ya)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpqMCQ-BlzY -
New HAMR, DSR & MP40 Camos (ZM)the hamr is freaking gorgeous and mp40 is almost like a black hole nice release
Cz,Dual Cz and Python (Bo1)use animated patch
never crashes for me -
Black n Red abstract camo for the Blundergat (+acidgat)badass first camo lad
unlike mine -
Space camo for M1911sick camo man looks really cool
BO1 Mobile Comic Book Perk and Powerup shaderscool next vulome when
custom Obsidian like Gold m1911FomroMadia whatever makes it tick for ya i guess
[WIP] [Zombies] Gobblegumsnow thats extra variety for gameplay sick script man hopefully it gets completed
[ZM] BO2 GLOBE 4k [13 - PLANETS].nice the night time really looks good awesome man