MrMrE sorry it was a 0xc000005 violation which is undefined variable which I had been using. My bad and sorry but this does all still work fine
setdvar function no longer working for sv_maxclients being changed mid game??? -
setdvar function no longer working for sv_maxclients being changed mid game???when the game passes a certain round i had a function call
which did work till a recent update
what changed to now make this function call a 0x00000005 access violation? -
[Support] Need help with GSC scriptkefeblo and mainly for new people coming across this its now as easy as compiling your code as a fresh script and placing it in folder c:/users/<your profile>/appdata/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/
make sure the function init() starts the file ie
init() { level waittill( "blackscreen_finished" ); your_func(); }
[Release] [ZM] Highest Round Tracker (UPDATED 3/13/2020)looks allot like mine
btw need this plugin
put This into <bo2 folder>\t6r\data\plugins#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_ai_dogs; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_stats; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weapons; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_score; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_utils; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_defaults; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_spawn; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_challenges; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_laststand; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_ee_main; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_sidequests; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_weapons; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_ee_main_step_1; #include maps/mp/_challenges; init() { thread high_round_tracker(); } get_map_name() { if (!isDefined(level.levelname)) { if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "transit") { level.levelname = "Tranzit"; } else if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "town") { level.levelname = "Town"; } else if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "farm") { level.levelname = "Farm"; } else if (level.script == "zm_nuked") { level.levelname = "Nuketown"; } else if (level.script == "zm_highrise") { level.levelname = "Die Rise"; } else if (level.script == "zm_prison") { level.levelname = "Mob of the Dead"; } else if (level.script == "zm_buried") { level.levelname = "Buried"; } else if (level.script == "zm_tomb") { level.levelname = "Origins"; } else level.levelname = "Unknown Map"; } return level.levelname; } high_round_tracker() { level endon( "end_game" ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame"); path3 = level.basepath + get_map_name() + "_" + "Leaderboard2.txt"; //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); etok="-"; if(fileExists(path3)) level.theLBstr = readfile(path3); else { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; writestr = "THRS,3,starting from scratch-\n"; writefile(path3,writestr,1); level.theLBstr = readfile(path3); } level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); level.theLB = strtok(level.theLBstr, etok); foreach ( lbline in level.theLB ) { getlbs = strtok(lbline, ","); if(getlbs[0] == "THRS" && level.HighRound <= getlbs[1] ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", getlbs[1] ); setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", "" ); for (i=2;i<=getlbs.size;i++) { if ( getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ) == "" ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", getlbs[i] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } else { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers + ", " + getlbs[i] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } } } else if(getlbs[0] == "THRS" && level.HighRound > getlbs[1] ) { //fclose(file3); fremove(path3); //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } else if(getlbs[0] != "THRS" && level.HighRoundPlayers != "" ) { //fclose(file3); fremove(path3); //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers ); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } } level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); if ( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; writestr = ("THRS,3,starting from scratch" + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } //fclose(file3); istr=""; for(i=0;i<40;i+=4) istr+=i + " "; for(i=40;i<100;i+=3) istr+=i + " "; fourfactor=strtok(istr," "); for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_of_round" ); players = getplayers(); foreach (player in players) player thread Ping_kick_check(player); foreach (ff in fourfactor) { if (int(ff) == level.round_number) level thread high_round_info(); } if( level.round_number == level.HighRound ) { players = getplayers(); foreach (player in players) player tell("^5you are about to over throw the ^7high round record ^5if you can pass this round. ^3Good Luck"); } if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", level.round_number ); setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", "" ); level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if ( getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ) == "" ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", players[i].name ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } else { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers + ", " + players[i].name ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } } iprintln ( "New Record: ^1" + level.HighRound ); iprintln ( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); newLBstr=""; //logprint( "Map: " + mapName( level.script ) + " Record: " + level.HighRound + " Set by: " + level.HighRoundPlayers ); path1 = level.basepath + get_map_name() + "_" + "Leaderboard2.txt"; writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); //file1 = fopen(path1, "a+"); level.theLBstr = readfile(path1); level.theLB = strtok(level.theLBstr,etok); foreach ( lbline in level.theLB ) { getlbs = strtok(lbline,","); if(getlbs[0] == "THRS") newLBstr = writestr; else newLBstr +=lbline + etok; } //fclose(file1); fremove(path1); //file1 = fopen(path1, "a+"); writefile(path1,newLBstr,1); //fclose(file1); } } } mapName( name ) { if( name == "zm_highrise" ) return "Die Rise"; else if( name == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( name == "zm_prison" ) return "Mob of the Dead"; else if( name == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( name == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "transit" ) return "Tranzit"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; } high_round_info() { wait 10; AllClientsPrint( "Highest Round for this Map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); AllClientsPrint( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } Ping_kick_check(player) { wait randomint( 20 ); } list_records( player ) { maps=[]; maps[0] = "Die Rise"; maps[maps.size] = "Buried"; maps[maps.size] = "Mob of the Dead"; maps[maps.size] = "Origins"; maps[maps.size] = "Nuketown"; maps[maps.size] = "Tranzit"; maps[maps.size] = "Town"; maps[maps.size] = "Farm"; recs=[]; level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame"); for(i=0;i<maps.size;i++) { path = level.basepath + maps[i] + "_" + "Leaderboard.txt"; //file = fopen(path, "a+"); etok="-"; thisread = ""; thisread = readfile(path); if ( thisread == "" ) { thisread = "THRS,5,MrMrE-"; writefile(path,"THRS,5,MrMrE-",1); CONTINUE; } thisreadarray = strtok(thisread,etok); recs[i] = "^3 " + maps[i]; foreach(line in thisreadarray) { linearray = strtok(line,","); if(linearray[0] == "THRS") { recs[i] += ": ^1"+linearray[1]+ " ^7by "; for(j=2;isDefined(linearray[j]);j++) { if (j==2) recs[i] +="^6"+linearray[j] + " "; else recs[i] += "^7,^6"+linearray[j] + " "; } } } //fclose(file); } for(i=0;i<recs.size;i++) { self iPrintLn( recs[i] ); wait .7; } }
Error - Unprotected error (ui_mp/T6/Zombie/HudCompetitiveScoreboardZombie.lua:591: attempt to index a nil valueFragsAreUs oh sorry, i see this helmet error is known. my bad... keep up all the good work. much respect MrE
Error - Unprotected error (ui_mp/T6/Zombie/HudCompetitiveScoreboardZombie.lua:591: attempt to index a nil valueconnect localhost:4977 Unloading fastfile ui_zm Unloading fastfile en_ui_zm Unloading fastfile patch_ui_zm Loading fastfile zm_tomb_patch Loading fastfile zm_tomb Loading fastfile en_zm_tomb Loading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_tomb Loading fastfile en_so_zclassic_zm_tomb ========================= LUI ERROR ======================== Havok Script Panic - Main State: UI_luaVM - State name: UI_luaVM Unprotected error (ui_mp/T6/Zombie/HudCompetitiveScoreboardZombie.lua:591: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: ui_mp/T6/Zombie/HudCompetitiveScoreboardZombie.lua:591: in function '(anonymous)' (tail call): ? 2361186059:11: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ? 2361186059:11: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ? 2361186059:11: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ? 3593575555:30: in function '(*stripped)' 2972207793:59: in function '(*stripped)') Full Traceback: ============================================================
just got this on tomb at before first kill of round 35 doing a dig, its very possible i dug up my helmet since i had golden shovel only - it died right on the pressing use for the dig!
also got gui console stating - LUI_ERROR: Error processing event
was this a problem cause of plutonium site server down???
Make private match/dedicated server game show ranksmikey yeah it was - but the original implementation which oh if only we had the clouded side of it would be so easy - unfortunately you can only derive from the original implementaiotns your own rank keeping system - its limits is no one without playing on your server will have rank to begin with - its only seen on your servers - its a big job to keep track of the incrementaion call backs needed to cover all the original required rank system identifiers - they even counted how many times you managed to get into all three robots on origins in any one game ... why i dont know.... [AUS] Stick Gmaing is currently testing a fledged ranking and stat keeping system
New Server Menu Controversydefinitively could default to Sort By Lowest Ping first on every loadup of the server list window- tired of pressing sort every time; not to mention the exposure the servers gets to high ping noobs who join when only seeing the game in the higher rounds
Originsok i have been able to reproduce this. this occurs when you have changed hardware like disabling a sound card, or upgrading gpu and failed to delete the profile files that the game creates on first run.
also giving/getting a copy of the game directory as a install method can cause it.
i generally use ear phones only playing, and my external speakers are disabled at the drivers level so if i unplug it crashes and if the earphones are not plugged in during load up i get entry into a game with the overly white unplayable texture bug.
try set hardware to how it was when it was installed or find the game created file that profiles your hardware for next load and delete it or even load up and goto advanced options and apply a small change to set a new file up hopefully.... also going into you graphics card control panel and forcing it onto gpu can help stop windows flipping graphics management swapping primary display output between the gpu and onboard with every new load of the game
[Support] Zombie Counter infoRise166 so with the code, they need to be embedded into a common known file so find a copy of _clientids.gsc and put the script into it, then drag the file over the compiler.exe file you can find in the mod section or discussions and found in :"GSC Example"
once the new compiled file appears rename it back to _clientids.gsc and place in the know folder location for that script which should be described to be
<blackops root folder>\t6r\data\maps\mp\gametypes_zm_clientids.gsc -
The Launcher Needs to rememberJezuzLizard you know I thought to my self if anyone would know this it would be you. Has anyone developed such a plugin?.... Again i'm looking at you JezuzLizard
The Launcher Needs to rememberEmosewaj yh usually i do such a thing but you have no idea what im making; not bug fixing, creating dynamic events that are linked in series and can fail if the parent miss behaves so yh... btw can someone tell me if Print3d is usable or has a workaround
The Launcher Needs to rememberXerxes yh i do do this but some extremely large mods are taking longer and longer to compile, even with my bitcoin mining rig i find closing the app halve compile times - when im changing the code and compiling every few minutes and then having compile times past the 5min mark; it is just undoing to the flow of improving the mod
i thought only to suggest it thinking the fix would be 2 lines of code
The Launcher Needs to rememberI would love not having to select the game tab bo2 zombies in the plutonium launcher every single time i launch it. i feel the launcher once run should require one or even no further clicks to play the desired game.
With hardcore bug testing of my many tweaks gsc mods on my local test server, it becomes very annoying not having the launcher in the correct tab to launch bo2 zombies immediately, thus
could the launcher just remember what i last launched or better still have a automatic mode so i don't even need to click go in the launcher it'll do it its self once logged into plutonium user account > unless one was to step in before the launch to opt out of the auto go
i hope this is an easy and quick tweak to such fine work you guys have already done!!! your all the best
This is Safe ? ( Trojan:win32/Zpevdo.B)generic false positive, one of win 10's many annoying ways to tackle malware - the "better safe then sorry" routine screams a lack of care factor to the paying (or not) customer.
I first was iffy like yourself with the plutonium platform but over the past year have found the plutonium project and staff to be down the line above board and value integrity and stand behind their work.
i mention this because this wont be the last time you hear from windows defender and its silly resolve with the 2 plutonium exe files. but its still good to check..
until win10 updates this action to be ignored simply open windows security and goto virus and threat>protection history> and fin the top most and recent and Action a Restore
Gsc code to call a thread with a string array for a function nameJezuzLizard cheers for the head up.. well that leaves me no choice - gonna make a prog to comb the dump file and make a composite gsc function caller that i estimate would be about 7mb.. damn that's gonna hurt compiling wait times
you wouldn't know if there is a per parse file size limit ??
another thing is #using supported? - it must be, never mind
Gsc code to call a thread with a string array for a function nameJezuzLizard thanks for the second opinion. I too combed the cod dumps and yeah it is how you describe it: and unfortunately I'm going to have to write another program to pump out this script and all its funcs in a case or similar.. :: 🤯
Maybe I might check out using gsh before creating a gsc almost equal to all the gsc files them selves.
#insert mybrainhere.GSH;
Gsc code to call a thread with a string array for a function nameok so maybe i should give live example, now im not posting from phone.
i would really appreciate this working
cmdstr = "/cmd"; level waittill("say", player, message); if ( isstrstart( tolower( message ), ek ) ) { if ( == "Nathan3197" || == "MrMrE" ) { sthread = strtok( message, " " ); if ( isDefined( sthread[2] ) ) { arrayremovevalue(sthread, cmdstr); string=""; foreach(str in sthread) string = string + str + " "; player tell(sthread[0] + " , " + sthread[1] + " , " + sthread[2]); /dbug player tell(string); /dbug func = [["::" + sthread[1]]]; //thisline above is my question point and where i cant work it out < dont laugh i know thats not how those eval brackets work i am going to extreme "out the box" to work this one out } if (isDefined(sthread[6])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4], sthread[5], sthread[6] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[5])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4], sthread[5] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[4])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[3])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[2])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[1])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func ); else player tell("Missing level"); } else { player tell( "Not priv to /cmd" ); } } }
Gsc code to call a thread with a string array for a function nameSo I’ve tried over and over to do something like
StartRandom() { Strarray=[]; Strarray[Strarray.size]=“choiceone”; Strarray[Strarray.size]=“choicetwo”; //ect ect } choiceone() { //func stuff } choicetwo() { //func stuff }
Now i get stuck calling the randomised array. So far i tried
single_func( “level” ,::Strarray[0] );
Which fails. Is there a way to call a function which is named via a array string (im leaning to impossible atm)
I know i could use case comparison but in my code it is relying on a wait for input via ingame chat which could call on any function so i really would rather not have to write out a case for every possible function call.
Please help..... -
Can't View or Join My Own Zombies ServerHave you recently installed a shady game? A few cracked games change your Hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc which is the first response to a dns lookup call which consol in bo uses for connect regardless of the call using an ip:port
i use
but in hosts if i put a line changes my commands to refer the seconds instance to the first instance which will just hang
check that you hosts file has not set a localhost to a specific ip unless your connected to your local network with that ip