so im getting this error when trying to update plutonium for my server. does anyone know how to fix this? resized.png)

launcher wont update -
[Source][T6][ZM] Mod Menu BaseIs there nothing added in the menu besides what you shown? As in like weapons, godmode, ufo and so on. Or are you working on that too?
[Release][BO2 GSC] Gr3Zz v4.1 Zombie Mod Menucpt.macp it doesn’t work on the server the text doesn’t come up only in custom games it does…
Zombie serversokay thank you for answering.
Zombie serversQuick question how many zombie servers can I run on my vps, like is there a rule that I can’t have more then 10 or no?
Zombie banki actually did get it to work i had it working for a while then i switched vps and it stopped working i needed the script and compile it thats in feds git hub
Zombie bankdid you fix this
DiscordWhere did I shit post? Never called anyone a liar jusy don’t remember where I shit posted and yea cuz people are saying dumb shit about me that isn’t true. I’m not immature, my bad that someone is going around making up bs about me… but if I did shit post I apologize but I really don’t remember when I did
Discordi didnt break any rules can you check logs or something i literally didnt break any rules tho.... or shit posted
DiscordFragsAreUs its ryh#9247
DiscordI got banned from the discord again for some reason idk why…
Discordi think i got banned from the discord again and this time i really dont know why...
my discord is ryh#9247
Discord Ban AppealFragsAreUs ah fuck that wasn’t me idk who posted that but can I get unbanned??
Discord Ban AppealIt’s ryh#9247
Discord Ban AppealHonestly I don’t know why I got banned from the Pluto discord didn’t say or do anything toxic at all
Mw3 server crashingRektInator client overflow for favela skidrow and highrise
Mw3 server crashingits kinda hard to get a screenshot the cmd goes too fast for me to take a picture lmfao
can you add my discord ryh#6535 -
Mw3 server crashingSo ever since I updated Pluto and added favela skidrow and high rise to map rotation it starts on favela and then crashes after 10 seconds and I took out those maps and now my server is just crashing. If anyone can help that would be amazing
Mw3 server not workingi just did a full download but none of my scripts work at all now
Mw3 server not workingSo I’m getting a error which is saying my server is not online but it’s saying heartbeat sent which is weird could anyone help?