VZLAxSmoke resolved ?

server dedicated t6 cracks when filled with the latest version solution? -
server dedicated t6 cracks when filled with the latest version solution?VZLAxSmoke the best way u can do it's to reverse plutonium to r3208 and then it's work perfectly even with T5 ( https://prnt.sc/Dl9nUvYGnDWA )
server dedicated t6 cracks when filled with the latest version solution?Xerxes Hi, when T6 server are filled server is not reachable (like that : https://prnt.sc/LEY7yrRCL5fU) and that since the latest pluto update
l atout masto bug@minato_sensei456 tu joue en solo ou t'as rejoins un serveur ? Y manque des éléments pour mieux comprendre ton problème.
ban sans raisonBonjour,
Juste pour vous dire une chose tres importante le staff plutonium n’a aucun pouvoir sur la gestion des serveur.
il y a très souvent des discord lié a ce même serveur ou vous vous connectez pour jouer.
Le meilleur moyen d’avoir une explication est de passer par le staff du serveur en question. -
[SUPPORT] HUD Streak & HealthHi community,
I would add a simple HUD to my T6 server like ( https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/10826/hud-killstreak-player ) Work perfectly on IW5but i've an issue on my server after 10min running, like https://prnt.sc/YIl1ewU0dbpW
If someone can help me
My script :
{ level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread killstreakPlayer(); player thread healthPlayer(); } } killstreakPlayer () { self endon ("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.hudkillstreak = createFontString ("Objective", 1); self.hudkillstreak setPoint ("CENTER", "TOP", "CENTER", 10); self.hudkillstreak.label = &"^5 KILLSTREAK: ^7"; while(true) { self.hudkillstreak setValue(self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]); wait 0.5; } } healthPlayer() { self endon("disconnect"); //self iprintln( "HEALTH: "+ self.health); self.healthText = createFontString("Objective" , 1); self.healthText setPoint("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, -8); while(true) { self.healthText setText( "^5HEALTH: ^7"+ self.health); wait 0.5; } } ```
Prise en charge de plusieurs manettesSingleHop88 Non, justement.
Prise en charge de plusieurs manettesSingleHop88 Salut, non c'est impossible sur PC.
« Server is not running »I modified it in the meantime I didn't get any error I think it came from the map rotation maybe I've made a mistake.
/// PlutoT6 MP Server Configuration file //
// This config best view with Notepad++ OR //
// Other *nix compatible editors of your choice. //
// 0.1 Basic version //
// 0.2 Added map list and map rotation //
// 0.3 Added Colors and B3/Log/RCon section //
// 0.4 Added gametype to map list and rotation //
// 0.5 Added location to map list and rotation //
// 0.6 Added Sharp Shooter and Gun game //
// 0.7 Clean up //
// 0.8 Additional gts -Fry //
// 0.9 Cleaned up the mess Fry merged, //
// added more comments //
// 1.0 Noob friendly -Fry //
// 1.1 Updated for relaunch of PlutoT6 //
// 1.2 Removed gts commands from main cfg -Fry //
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// Remove "//" in front of lines to allow the
// server to read them. Anything after "//" is a
// Comment.
// conf - Kill Confirmed //
// ctf - Capture the Flag //
// dem - Demolition //
// dm - Free-for-all //
// dom - Domination //
// gun - Gun Game //
// hq -Headquaters //
// koth - Hardpoint //
// oic - One in the chamber //
// oneflag - One-Flag CTF //
// sas - Sticks & Stones //
// sd - Search and Destroy //
// shrp - Sharpshooter //
// tdm - Team Deathmatch //
// These config files can not be edited and are //
// packed into the .ff files of the game. //
// Please make sure the game types are synced //
// or you might end up with a FFA that needs //
// 7500 kills to be won. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! //
exec gamesettings_default.cfg // Load the default game settings shared by all game modes
exec gamesettings_tdm.cfg // Load the default tdm settings
set_gametype tdm // Set the game type to tdm
//g_password "" // Password Protected Game Server (Use "password" to set it on the client before you connect,)
sv_maxclients 18 // How many players can join your server.
spawnbot 10
scr_showperksonspawn 1 // Disable the perks on the right side on spawn.
//scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn 1 // Delete Explosive while getting killed.
//sv_minPing 0 // Minimum ping needed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//sv_maxPing 400 // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//scr_disable_cac 1 // Disable Custom Classes?
//scr_max_rank 0 // Block every player with a level up this value
//scr_min_prestige 0 // Block every player with a prestige below this value
//sv_restrictionList "restricted.cfg" // Sets the file name for our restriction system.
//sv_enableItemRestriction 1 // Enables our custom restriction system.
sv_allowDof 0 // Disallows the clients from having DoF to prevent a few DoF related glitches + gains a few frames. (0 = force off DoF on the clients, 1 = let the client decide)
g_logSync 2 // 0 only flush on game end, 1 flush when buffer full, 2 always flush after a write, 3 append to old logs.
g_log "logs\games_mp3.log" // IMPORTANT! Make sure the filename is unique for each server you clone!
rcon_password "" // RemoteCONtrol password, needed for most management tools like IW4MADMIN and B3. Do not skip if you installing IW4MADMIN.
//restrict_attachment "reflex" // Reflex
//restrict_attachment "steadyaim" // Laser sight
//restrict_attachment "silencer" // Suppressor/Silencer
//restrict_attachment "dualclip // Fast Mag
//restrict_attachment "holo" // EOTech Sight
//restrict_attachment "grip" // Grip
//restrict_attachment "fastads" // Quickdraw
//restrict_attachment "fmj" // Full Metal Jacket
//restrict_attachment "extbarrel" // Long Barrel
//restrict_attachment "rangefinder" // Target Finder
//restrict_attachment "stalker" // Stock
//restrict_attachment "extclip" // Extended Clip
//restrict_attachment "dualoptic" // Hybrid Optic
//restrict_attachment "sf" // Select Fire
//restrict_attachment "rf" // Rapid Fire
//restrict_attachment "gl" // Grenade Launcher
//restrict_attachment "mms" // Millimeter Scanner
//restrict_attachment "acog" // ACOG Sight
//restrict_attachment "swayreduc" // Ballistics CPU
//restrict_attachment "vzoom" // Variable Zoom
//restrict_attachment "ir" // Dual Band Scope
//restrict_attachment "dw" // Dual Wield
//restrict_attachment "tacknife" // Tactical Knife
//restrict_attachment "stackfire" // Tri-Bolt (Crossbow)//////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Lightweight //
// Move Faster. Take no damage when falling. //
//restrict_item "specialty_movefaster|specialty_fallheight"
// Hardline //
// Earn Scorestreaks faster. //
//restrict_item specialty_earnmoremomentum
// Blind Eye //
// Undetectable by AI controlled air support. //
//restrict_item "specialty_nottargetedbyairsupport"
// Flak Jacket //
// Take less explosive damage //
//restrict_item "specialty_flakjacket"
// Ghost //
// Cannnot be detected by enemy UAVs. //
//restrict_item "specialty_gpsjammer"
// Toughness //
// Flinch less when shot. //
//restrict_item "specialty_bulletflinch"
// Cold Blooded //
// Resistant to targeting systems. //
// No name or red crosshair //
//restrict_item "specialty_immunenvthermal|specialty_noname|specialty_immunerangefinder|specialty_nokillstreakreticle|specialty_immunemms|specialty_nomotionsensor"
// Fast Hands //
// Swap weapons and use equipment fast. //
// Reset pin grenades. //
//restrict_item "specialty_fastweaponswitch|specialty_pin_back|specialty_fasttoss|specialty_fastequipmentuse"
// Hardwire //
// Immune to counter-UAV and EMP //
//restrict_item "specialty_immunecounteruav|specialty_immuneemp"
// Scavenger //
// Refill ammo on people you killed. //
//restrict_item "specialty_scavenger"
// Dexterity //
// Aim faster after sprinting. //
// Mantle and climb faster. //
//restrict_item "specialty_fastmantle|specialty_fastladderclimb|specialty_sprintrecovery|specialty_fastmeleerecovery"
// Extreme Conditioning //
// Aim faster after sprinting. //
// Mantle and climb faster. //
//restrict_item specialty_longersprint
// Engineer //
// Reroll & booby trap Care Packages. //
// Show enemy equipment in the world. //
// Delay explosives. //
//restrict_item "specialty_showenemyequipment|specialty_delayexplosive"
// Tactical Mask //
// Reduces effects of flashbangs,Concussion, //
// Shock Charges. //
//restrict_item "specialty_stunprotection|specialty_flashprotection|specialty_proximityprotection"
// Dead Silence //
// Move silently and be very sneaky sneaky. //
//restrict_item "specialty_quieter"
// Awareness //
// Enemy movements are easier to hear. //
//restrict_item "specialty_loudenemies"
//Wild Card Perks //
//restrict_item "bonuscard_perk_1_greed" // Perk 1 Greed - Take a second perk.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_perk_2_greed" // Perk 2 Greed - same as a above.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_perk_3_greed" // Perk 3 Greed - sigh...same as above.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_overkill" // Overkill - Take a primary weapon as your second weapon.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_secondary_gunfighter"// Secondary Gunfighter - Take a 2nd attachment for your second weapon.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_primary_gunfighter" // Primary Gunfighter - Take a 2nd attachment for your second weapon.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_two_tacticals" // Tactician - Take a tactical grenade in place of your lethal grenade.
//restrict_item "bonuscard_danger_close" // Danger Close - Take a second lethal.
// STOCK //
// //
// mp_la - Aftermath //
// mp_dockside - Cargo //
// mp_carrier - Carrier //
// mp_drone - Drone //
// mp_express - Express //
// mp_hijacked - Hijacked //
// mp_meltdown - Meltdown //
// mp_overflow - Overflow //
// mp_nightclub - Plaza //
// mp_raid - Raid //
// mp_slums - Slums //
// mp_village - Standoff //
// mp_turbine - Turbine //
// mp_socotra - Yemen //
// //
// Bonus Map: //
// mp_nuketown_2020 - Nuketown 2025 //
// //
// //
// mp_downhill - Downhill //
// mp_mirage - Mirage //
// mp_hydro - Hydro //
// mp_skate - Grind //
// //
// //
// mp_concert - Encore //
// mp_magma - Magma //
// mp_vertigo - Vertigo //
// mp_studio - Studio //
// //
// //
// mp_uplink - Uplink //
// mp_bridge - Detour //
// mp_castaway - Cove //
// mp_paintball - Rush //
// //
// //
// mp_dig - Dig //
// mp_frostbite - Frost //
// mp_pod - Pod //
// mp_takeoff - Takeoff //
// //
// Examples for sv_maprotation //
// Single Game Mode + Maps: //
//sv_mapRotation "exec tdm.cfg map mp_dig map mp_raid map mp_express" //
// //
// Several Mix Game Modes + Maps: //
//sv_mapRotation "exec tdm.cfg map mp_la exec dm.cfg map mp_dockside" //
// Current Rotation (Edit to your liking) //
// takeoff, studio, grind, uplink, encore Raid+, stand-off+, express+, nuketown+, hijacked+, Yemen+
sv_maprotation "exec koth2.cfg map mp_raid exec dom2.cfg map mp_hijacked exec koth2.cfg map mp_meltdown exec dom2.cfg map mp_concert exec koth2.cfg map mp_socotra exec dom2.cfg map mp_nuketown_2020 exec koth2.cfg map mp_village exec dom2.cfg map mp_express exec koth2.cfg map mp_studio"//Congratulations. You reached the end of this file. Leave map_rotate down below or else the server will not start after launch...
« Server is not running »Dear community,
I was making another T6 server, so i made it …
But after few maps i’ve « server is not running » under « sending heartbeat »
NB : I’ve already 2 servers running fine
If someone Know what is this, thank you.
I still can't disable mouse accelWolfJ115 try to disable by windows maybe
Screenshot : https://prnt.sc/14k1b98
Problème manette plutonium BO2 et MW3Dotexx tiens si ça peu t’aider : https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/2815/setting-up-a-ps4-controller-with-ds4windows?_=1623060636508
Plutonium shopTheMrSp33dyNL Buy unban lmao, u can't get a ban on LAN mode cuz anti cheat are disabled. read this https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/3449/anticheat-ban-policy
c'est normale que mon jeux ram a mort en multi mais aucun lag en zombie ? Et c'est très chiant vu que je veut jouer en multi@Petit-Panda Lis ça : https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/7158/low-fps-read-this ça pourra peu être t'aider.
Problem w Plutonium Updateru've tried to run as admin ? Sometimes i've this problem. Or maybe remove pluto and reinstall it
How to put Cheytac in Default Class ?Hi, someone can tell me how can i put the cheytac on default class ?
idk what's the name in dsr files.
Error Server after few hours upHave updated my server to 1202 too now ! Hope hopefully they fixed this issue
Error Server after few hours upTMCPayton excactly, when u reach 16(17)/18 players server closing with this error but for my server cause i have 3 servers up, only 1 Get this error
Error Server after few hours upXerxes Plutonium 1201, On 3 servers, have 1 get this error