Hey everyone,
here I want to tell you guys about a project that has been laying around without being touched for a while.
I have been, with help from Stendby, working on a custom map for a very custom gamemode.
The idea of the map is a prison (different prison maps might follow in the future) and the idea of the gamemode is, to keep it short, prison escape.
There will be 2 teams, the prisoners and the prison guards. Prisoners have to escape the prison using various techniques which vary depending on the round (snd like round system) and the prison guards have to keep the prisoners in place until the timer runs up.
Now I am sadly not home until monday and could only find a very less detailed map footage, but it will give you an idea of how the map will look like. I will be uploading another fresh version soon.
Now why am I posting this thread is simple, I want to get back to work on the map and I would love if theres some people out there wanting to get involved in this project.
The project, when done, will be open to the public to host and we are ofcourse going to host some servers ourself.
Now let me see the damn map! - Alright, take this for now - i will update with latest map version footage when im back home:
Map footage
To get a bit more detailed with the gamemode...
We had a lot of ideas, so all I will be putting here for now are keywords or very short notes.
- Round based like Search and Destroy
- Different events every round
- Credit system (usable for various things e.g.: buying yourself into the prison guards team, buying weapons as guards)
- Blackmarket for prisoners (can buy items at an empty cell inside the prison to for ex. kill a guard or similiar)
- safe areas where killing a prisoner leads to punishment towards the guard that killed the prisoner
- various rounds, various keys dropping on guard death, various openable doors = different escape routes
We do not plan on making any income from this!
Whole project will be available to the public when its tested and finished
I will be opening the gates to the projects github on monday when im back home, I do want to take a look at everything incase theres some sensitive information still leftover somewhere.
So, did I gain your interest? Do you think you can contribute to the project? Shoot me a discord message or just leave a message here. 
My discord: w1red#1017
Thanks for contributing everyone who sat there with me working on this last year. I hope none of you will dislike this move of making it a public project.
Hope i wont miss anybody that has helped so far and/or is still working on it:
Hinder, Stendby, Drgn, GT4'n more, Mane, r6mbo, Sidelane, Swifty, Soliderror
(No particular order of names)
Lets see what we can build from this base!
Code - 20% (not sure, been changing a lot right before the project went inactive, might be more)
Map - 80%
Edit: I am ofcourse open for any kind of ideas, even if they may change how this gamemode will work.