Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined
RedxSkull I saw you decreased shellshock from explosives, is it possible for zombie slap as well so it doesnt stop player from sprinting?
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Stangz1ma Nope, you get all or nothing.
Error:As far as I know, the scripts must be compiled (I tried to compile them and they give errors), I downloaded the executable, but igula doesn't work -
_UNINSTALL_ You must have Plutonium installed wrong, scripts no longer have to be compiled.
can somebody send all servers that uses this Reimagined mod cuz when ever i find one its always 300 plus ping help
Jbleezy all of my scripts do, I installed plutonium from the guide they made
Jbleezy is there a way for me to disable the health bar? I feel like I should be able to toggle it
@zawazao Type
hud_health_bar 0
into the console. -
How well does this play along with other gsc script files? I couldn't get this to load so I figured there might have been some conflicts with the ones I was using.
Baofu It's usually never good to mix match different gsc scripts if you don't know what your doing. Since some scripts could override another script, etc. It won't be stable and prone to crash. Reimainged replaces a lot of stock scripts. So most likely any other Mod would conflict with this.
Got this working and I have to say I'm very impressed! I liked what you did with BO1 zombies and I like what you did here. I couldn't pick up the Turbine or any of the other craftables after I built them though. Some kind of bug on tranzit?
Baofu Did you have enough points to purchase them?
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Got everything working, so I have a better question. Is there a way to change the starting points from 500 or the number of powerups dropped per round from 4? I didn't see it on any of the .gsc files in the Replaced folder.
New update makes this unplayeable. Just my luck, I finally had the game exactly where I wanted after a few modifications and now Plutonium updates and completely destroys it. Excellent. Oh and btw even the stock Reimagined gives errors (smth about _local_variable hash not found)
@P00DL3W0Lf_GR The mod author needs to fix the issue with an update
Jbleezy Some more insight to help: On all maps except Mob, the error is for _hash_2eca0c0e in zm_blockers and for mob it is _hash_10873cca in zm_prison_reimagined. Hope for an update soon
Even more bugs: after fixing the hashes (thanks FutureRave ), I am now getting other errors depending on the map:
1)Nuke town loads fine but the hud looks like this:
2)On Origins, Die RIse and Town Survival I get this:
3)On Buried and Tranzit I get this:
4) On Mob I get this: -
GhostRider0125 hey bruh I have a question, how or from which section of the bo2 do you start the "new" survival maps?