[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaround
Oh nice. I see you updated it.
Great update OP, nice to see the bug fixes.
Hey JezuzLizard, I finally tried to add it to my server, and I'm getting an error almost immediately after starting my Die Rise server (specifically Die Rise). Do you know why that is / how to fix it? I'm pretty new to GSC so sorry if I'm acting dumb or whatever
luigistyle I hadn't known about that bug at the time I had posted the mod but currently the best fix I have is commenting out give_team_characters() when running die rise. The same goes for give_personality_characters() when running nuketown.
I'm working on a fix so it won't be necessary to have to comment out code each time for these 2 maps. I'll update the post when I have it working.The reason this happens is die rise doesn't have its own give_team_characters(), not even a blank one. Same thing goes for nuketown there isn't a give_personality_characters() built in to the map.
JezuzLizard check your pull requests. I have drastically edited and simplified the way of how give_personality_characters and give_team_characters are called.
luigistyle I approved the pull request from Xerxes the mod shouldn't have any problems loading on nuketown and die rise. Download the latest version off the github.
i don't know how to modify things for my server and i want to put this in mine, someone could explain how i do it? If someone can help me this is my discord Adriango#5023 thank you
There's a guide around here somewhere on loading GSC in your dedicated server -
I just put the code to my server, and it doesn't work, that is, the code should fix the music and demase, but I still have those problems
adriango Did you compile it as _clientids.gsc in maps/mp/gametypes_zm?
Did you merge it with any other scripts? -
JezuzLizard said in [Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaround:
Did you merge it with any other scripts?
Does that make a difference? I have like 3 merged scripts total and it seems to be fine atm
JezuzLizard I've done everything right and I've got it compiled with another script that's to remove the drink limit, the limit of fucniona drinks but this script doesn't and I don't know why
Send me your script source on discord JezuzLizard#7864. I'll review it and see if its a common problem since this isn't the first time this script doesn't work when compiled with another script.
I compiled the main.gsc and put the script on server, but when game ends nothing happens, I continue disconnecting and receiving the error "CG_Spawn: no free fake entities". What I doing wrong?
@peximaximum Did you call the compiled script _clientids.gsc and did you place it in data/maps/mp/gametypes_zm in your server folder?
JezuzLizard Yes, I did all that, including with and without other codes together. I tried change my code in dedicated_zm.cfg and now is getting the error "An error occured while connecting to the server." and error notification of PlutoT6 "EXE_CONFIGSTRINGMISMATCH" when map rotate.
dedicated_zm.cfg file: https://pastebin.com/NqyfNHjm
In the tests I did with these settings, only the Buried map successfully restarted on dying, without having to do anything! When using map_rotate it disconnects and gives the same error as above.
@peximaximum I never expected anyone to use multiple maps in sv_maprotation, but being that your getting errors from doing so I would definitely have to conclude that trying to restart the map and change the map would cause errors.
Basically, you cannot change the map using map_restart I've tried it will not work. Try setting only one map in your sv_maprotation and see if it still gives errors. -
JezuzLizard Before, only one map (tranzit bus) was configured. I put several to be able to test. Even with a map it just doesn't work
EDIT: Even trying to change the map with the command !maprotate from IW4M-Admin generates the error and disconnects from the server
Yea im having the same issue. The only way i could even get the script to compile with zombies++ was by removing #include maps\mp\zombies_zm_utility;
#include maps\mp_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;Idk if it wont work without them but i tried two different things. First i tried just adding this to the clientids--
timeout = getTime() + 5000;
while ( getnumexpectedplayers() == 0 && getTime() < timeout )
wait 0.1;
player_count_actual = 0;
while ( getnumconnectedplayers() < getnumexpectedplayers() || player_count_actual != getnumexpectedplayers() )
players = get_players();
player_count_actual = 0;
i = 0;
while ( i < players.size )
players[ i ] freezecontrols( 1 );
if ( players[ i ].sessionstate == "playing" )
}wait 0.1; }
and that compiled with no errors but didnt change anything, then i put the main.gsc into the clientids (getting bad syntax in line 1339 until i removed the # things, and it still doesnt work.