[Release] [Zombies] Scripts for Competitive Players
mine doesn't work when i load up a game my console says "Failed to load custom script 'scripts/zm/_zm_fix'
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teh_bandit great work ! (like every time :p) i have maybe an suggestion, maybe add timer and timer round?
doesnt work says "failed to load _zm_fix"
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teh_bandit thank you it worked!
Great work
Few comments:
self.account_value = 250000 will put 250 million points in the bank as each unit is worth 1000 points. 1000 times more points then possible during regular gameplay. Not a big deal since its not like players are spending 250000 bank points during the game anyway.
Most of the perma perk increments will not unlock the perma perks. Perma perks have different client_stat requirements and most of them are greater than 1. I have a list of the values here https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuthTV/BO2-Persistent-Upgrades-Bank/main/persistent_upgrade_names.txt
No reason to save box weapons to restore the box later. When weapons are included, level.zombie_include_weapons[ weapon_name ] is set to 1 if the weapon is in box.
Can do something like this to restore default boxkeys = getarraykeys(level.zombie_include_weapons); foreach(weapon in keys) { if(level.zombie_include_weapons[weapon] == 1) level.zombie_weapons[weapon].is_in_box = 1; }
might be good the check that level.zombie_include_weapons[weapon] is defined as well. Need to update my code with that.
teh_banditreplied to Huth on Feb 4, 2022, 6:46 PM last edited by teh_bandit Feb 4, 2022, 10:13 PM
Huth I really appreciate the info! I have made corrections.
I'm somewhat new to plutonium and would like to go for high rounds on tranzit. To do this, I was about to install this mod. Before I did this I wanted to see if the jet gun worked past round 155 (without this mod installed) out of curiosity via a mod menu. The jet gun, however, did work past round 155 which concerns me because I think that maybe the mod menu might be tampering with the jet gun and allowing it to work on this high of a round. I am worried that if I try and go for an actual high round without the use of a mod menu, the jet gun wouldn't work on round 156 and I would have wasted several hours.
plasma266 Properly install my high round fix for it to work on any round
hello man i would like some help so i added you on discord my name is asher
teh_bandit Can we get a link to the source?
Can you modify the weapons if I want a Paralyzer and a time bomb?