Respawn on Saved Position Code?
TheHiddenHour dont work
Duui YT Wouldn't doubt it, I write most of this when I'm sleep deprived lmao.
TheHiddenHour can you fix it
TheHiddenHour can you fix the code
Duui YT If you commission me to write it, test it, and ensure that you incorporate it into your project properly then yeah lmao.
Here's a simple example that should get you started if you know how to script
init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) { self moveToSavedLocation(); } } } // Set saved location saveLocation() { self.savedOrigin = self.origin; self.savedAngles = self.angles; self iprintln("^1Saved location"); } // Move entity to saved location moveToSavedLocation() { self setOrigin(self.savedOrigin); self.angles = self.savedAngles; // Can't remember if there's a function to set an entity's angles self iprintln("^1Moved to saved location"); } // Erase saved location to prevent spawning on it eraseSavedLocation() { self.savedOrigin = undefined; self.savedAngles = undefined; self iprintln("^1Saved location erased"); }
TheHiddenHour idk any scripting
TheHiddenHour i tried to see if i can do it i can't do every time i do it is bad can you see if you can help me with it
Duui YT Show me what you've got so far.
TheHiddenHour i got it in add to my menu but it still works as a save and load i have to do it like this bec when i just do saveloaction it dose not spawn me on savedpos on when i die
self add_option("SubM10", "saveLocation", ::saveLocation); self add_option("SubM10", "Load", ::moveToSavedLocation);
Duui YT Did you add the rest to
? -
TheHiddenHour yes i added both of them
if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles))
self moveToSavedLocation();
TheHiddenHour i did it like this
onplayerspawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self freezecontrols(false); self.MenuInit = false; isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { if(isFirstSpawn) { if (self isHost()) { self iPrintln(" ^1 "); } isFirstSpawn = false; } self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if(self is_bot()) self takeallweapons(); if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self setPerk("specialty_fallheight"); if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { self moveToSavedLocation(); } } } }
// Set saved location saveLocation() { self.savedOrigin = self.origin; self.savedAngles = self.angles; self iprintln("^2Saved location when you die you will ^6spawn here"); } // Move entity to saved location moveToSavedLocation() { self setOrigin(self.savedOrigin); self.angles = self.savedAngles; // Can't remember if there's a function to set an entity's angles self iprintln("^2Moved to saved location"); } // Erase saved location to prevent spawning on it eraseSavedLocation() { self.savedOrigin = undefined; self.savedAngles = undefined; self iprintln("^1Saved location erased"); }
if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");
if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { self moveToSavedLocation(); } }
Give this a try
onplayerspawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self freezecontrols(false); self.MenuInit = false; isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if(isFirstSpawn) { if (self isHost()) { self iPrintln(" ^1 "); } isFirstSpawn = false; } if(self is_bot()) self takeallweapons(); if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self moveToSavedLocation(); if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { // self moveToSavedLocation(); } } } }
TheHiddenHour it works but when i try binding it it says it is bad
buttonMonitorsaveandlaod() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslottwobuttonpressed()) self saveLocation(); wait .05; } }
TheHiddenHour how am i going to bind it
Duui YT I mean, what you've got already looks like it should work.
Duui YT simple. 2 lines in onPlayerSpawned.
Onplayerspawn, put this:
if (isDefined(self.a) && isDefined(self.o)) { self setplayerangles(self.a); self setorigin(self.o); }
This will respawn you on your saved position if its set. Keep the original save and load code too.
mikey where i put this scripte which folder and type