A Simple Pause Script for BO2 Zombies
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Ekko420 Unfortunately not
Ch00chinat0r add this line at the very top and try again
#include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util;
chicken emoji Thanks! That did fix the error! However typing "p" in chat isn't pausing the game in any way still..
Ch00chinat0r thats because there is no main or init function so basically the mod doesnt do anything
chicken emoji Ahh gotcha.. this is beyond my knowledge.. Thanks for the replies
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how do I download this script??
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idk how 2 do this heres what i have
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; watchchatpause() { level endon("end_game"); self endon("disconnect"); for (;;) { level waittill("say", message, player); if (message == "p") { self EnableInvulnerability(); self iprintln("Game Paused"); self.ignoreme = 1; self freezeControls(true); level.gamestate = createServerFontString("hudsmall", 31); level.gamestate setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", "CENTER", 190); level.gamestate setText("Game Paused"); level waittill("say", message1, player); chatPauseFix(message1); } wait 0.05; } } chatPauseFix(m) { if (m == "u") { self iprintln("Game UnPaused"); self freezeControls(false); level.gamestate destroy(); self DisableInvulnerability(); self.ignoreme = 0; } else { level waittill("say", chat, player); chatPauseFix(chat); } }
#include scripts\zm\pause_system; init() { level thread watchchatpause(); } main() { init(); }
how i fix pls