JSJSJSJSJSJ https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/2819/how-to-install-update-plutonium-t6
Read the guide next time.
JSJSJSJSJSJ https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/2819/how-to-install-update-plutonium-t6
Read the guide next time.
KL87 Install both Redist files from: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download
LeonFull Download and install: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
softredina Download DirectX
Extract the DirectX folder to any location, open it and run DXSETUP.exe
(You can delete the folder afterwards)
c9000 Your stats files might be corrupted.
Navigate to:
In this folder you'll see 1 or 2 folders with numbers as name. Open the folder(s) and look for a folder called "user". Delete the content of this folder (or move the files out of the folder to a backup location in case this doesn't work).
NOTE: this will wipe your stats and saved custom classes (and hopefully fix your problem).
Life Hurts Windows 7 is not supported. You'd have to upgrade to Windows 10 to play Plutonium.
c9000 Broken files. Follow the installation guide for a clean install.
Redacted9 Restart with administrator rights. Piry will install missing or broken files and skip the ones you already have.
Pflaumpfluecker Download and install DirectX
PanDaemonAeon Windows 7 is not supported anymore. Upgrade to windows 10.
Everr Create a new topic with information about the problem and a screenshot of your game folder. I will lock this topic.
xXItsKiterXx Did you run the game through the Launcher (Plutonium.exe)?
@ccolson4072 Did piry.exe finish the installation?
ALEXANDER3103 I cannot because I don't know what antivirus software you're using. Google it.
Also, why in the world would you respond to me in Spanish even though I replied in English..?
ALEXANDER3103 Your antivirus is probably blocking the file. Add an exception for plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe. You can find it in: %localappdata%/plutonium/bin
Wkwkboi Try downloading and installing this:
SpecialSanwich Open the serverlist with F11 and join a server with players...
Xxleoxd Please keep the forum English.
I think you are trying to create custom classes but by default the serverlist opens. You can close the serverlist by clicking the × or "close" button. You'll be able to click "online" which will take you to the Multiplayer screen. Continue to "Public match" and you'll see the Create a class option. To open the serverlist again, press F11.