imTokyu Possibly, you are using a script that is causing this error. You have the display_player_stats.gsc
script from Resxt, so check your scripts folder to ensure you don't also have another script called autoassign_team.gsc

[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2 -
CAMO MW3 DARK MATTER@BoLT-Velo windows + r, paste %localappdata%/Plutonium/storage/iw5 press ok and paste the entire file into the folder that will open.
camos preview in the original post: -
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Soliderror Sorry, but no. It's been months since I revised anything. I don't want to buy the game and a VPS just to fix bugs and update the mod, I'm busy on other things, I think I left a pretty advanced and tidy version of which if anyone wants to can start modified.
Iw5 Survival Mod AnnouncementSoliderror It's been months since I've checked anything. I don't want to buy the game and a VPS just to fix bugs and update the mod, also...
I don't see a reason to use your code and adapt it to mine, we have different approaches. Besides, my mod was much more advanced than yours.
Inspiration... we're back to the same point. I had a base version with the wave system, But i considered learning modding, models & menu stuffs to showcase a decent version. Since you posted this post earlier, I considered pausing my mod.
I made my version completely by myself without any help. I only asked your 'old dev' months later if you abandoned the mod since they hadn't published anything else and if they would mind if I published my version, something I also asked you.. lmao
Game crash when loading some maps with mods loadedSlvr99 At the moment there is no solution, it is a error of the mods support itself.
Custom Gloves/Viewhands Request -
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Black-maks You are loaded the dsr survival?, the killcam is disabled. Regarding the rest that you mentions, I am aware and the speed of the juggernauts was something that I forgot, but it is easily solved by editing the value in the zonetool/mod/mp/survival_bots.csv then you will have to re-build the fastfile.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Fry I tried the files and they loaded correctly, also that weapon mismatch error only happens when the scripts are loaded but not the fast file.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Meepers266 survival dsr is loaded?, If you are playing it in private and you have that error, it must be because the dsr is not loaded.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2I have updated the mod again and fixed some bugs, the most important one is that the mod doesn't crash with predator. As usual for a couple of months I show up and a couple of months I disappear. I don't think I will be able to update the mod for a while so I will release the code.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Meepers266 on servers I had the same problem I will see how to solve it, for the moment you can fix it by doing a map_restart :C
[Release] Always UAV@1-2-X-U EasyMapEdit It is a script that I have not finished so I did not announce it or add a readme at the time. It is similar to this other, I updated the readme in case you want to view it again.
[Release] Always UAVA simple script that allows you to enable the uav, you can also switch between point radar or directional radar and enable or disable radar sweep.
How to Use
Place the script file at "%localappdata%/plutonium/storage/iw5/scripts" if the folder does not exist, create it
To configure the script you can set the following dvars in your server config or in the game console.
Disable script:
always_uav 0
Allow Point Radar:
always_uav 1
Allow Directional Radar:
always_uav 2
Disable Sweep Radar:
sweep_uav 0
Allow Sweep Radar:
sweep_uav 1
A restart of the map is required for the changes to take effect
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Soliderror I could check it, but I really have the whole base ready now I just need to fix bugs and add more maps. thanks anyway.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Soliderror xD, in my defense, i had a wave system a long time ago, but at that time, i was just beginning with scripting and had no knowledge about modding, i saw it as something distant, and... i also gave them quite a bit of time.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2GhostRider0125 In the next version i will try to fix most of the errors for dedicated servers. By default there is a dvar that sets a 4 player slot, this can be changed, but keep in mind that by increasing the players the number of bots will decrease.
[Pre-Release] IW5 Survival Reimagined v2Key Features
- Compatible with all stock maps.
- Unlimited waves.
- Number of survivors defined by dvar, note that these occupy bot slots, a limit of 4 is recommended.
- Difficulty adaptable to the number of waves and players.
- The ammunition is collected independently of the weapon modifications.
- The buffs of the dropped weapons are preserved.
- You can drop the weapon to an ally with the
key. - New enemy types were added including streaks.
- The mod allows you to switch between servers and game types without any inconvenience other than changing the language to English.
Video Preview
Mod Link
[IW5 error] BG_IndexForString: unknown token 'throwingknife': (mp/playeranim.script, line 210)Regarding the error that is appearing in mw3, I was making a script and it appeared, so I know a way to replicate it... well, I don't know if it will help, and I don't know where to report it, so I'll comment here.
One way to replicate the error is to use the function givePerk( perkName, useSlot )
works correctly unless you send it an object property as an argument Example:[Works]
player givePerk("specialty_quickdraw", false);
test = "specialty_quickdraw"; player givePerk(test, false);
[Com_ERROR: §BG_IndexForString: unknown token 'throwingknife': (mp/playeranim.script, line 210)]
player givePerk(self.customStreak, false);
test = self.customStreak; player givePerk(test, false);
player givePerk(self.customStreak + "", false);
test = self.customStreak + ""; player givePerk(test, false);
[Post Update]
When executed directly as a string in a for loop also crash
[Com_ERROR: §BG_IndexForString: unknown token 'throwingknife': (mp/playeranim.script, line 210)]
perk = ""; for (i = 0; i < self.customStreak.size - 3; i++) perk += self.customStreak[i];
_perk = self.customStreak; perk = ""; for (i = 0; i < _perk.size - 3; i++) perk += _perk[i];