[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 aim assist
IcedVenom This part is the range
range_squared = 500 * 500;
lower it as you like. -
@dontknowletsplay Thanks
Added support for special zombies like dogs.
GhostRider0125 Hey man i kno this is weird to ask but do i just open a text document on my computer past this in and save it as .GSC then put it in the folder?
XODreams yes
XODreams i dont know about coding nor do i do i know about gsc scripts all i know is texture changing
undefined bhfff referenced this topic on
undefined dontknowletspl referenced this topic on
Hey, jus twanted to say thanks, this is a very cool thing you did ! Also very cool of you to keep updating it and refining it with feedback, really means a lot to us
Does it also work for campaign mode?
iBest14 No its only meant for zombies
dontknowletspl and can you create one for the campaign mode? or adapt that same one?
iBest14 Plutonium does not support campaign so im not sure how you would load the script with steam version. I have never made any scripts for campaign.
any chance this can be used with bgamer or steam?
menlover33 The script should work fine on other versions of bo1 but you need to find way to load it on the game.
undefined Lachara_43 referenced this topic on
undefined Lachara_43 referenced this topic on
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TahjGadd sure thing bud ghostrider0125
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It doesn't follow the zombies for me
shttd Then you done something wrong.
I copy and pasted it in the sp folder and saved it as a gsc file
dontknowletspl Hi again sorry to revive this old post but I was checking and it seems that the campaign mode does run on plutonium because I just tested it right now. Do you think there is a possibility that this script can be used to adapt it to the campaign mode? I ask this because what I see is that it works with zombies, but I suppose it would not be different with any npc in campaign mode do you think it can be used?