Remove Zombie Dying by Himself
xNando hmm, did you just copy the script of origins?
every map has its own thing, some things are the same though
Ivobardolf yes, and also I uncommented the commented lines
xNando compare your script with the one from the post above, see where you made a difference, I just tried the one in the post and it works
i tried it in origins, works like a charm, but i got one minnor issue, if some zombies spawn in crazy place and the player go out, the zombies got stuck in the crazy place, i know its something related to zombies far away respawn locked in this mod, there is a fix for this or messes the whole script?
I'm pretty sure zombies has a time limit before they die. It's to prevent in case a zombie bugs out of the map etc. In any case, many of you don't really need this script. Cause if a zombie doesn't hit you before that time limit, it leads to it dying. Letting the zombie hit you once between time intervals allows it to stay alive. Although I could be wrong.
T.Re.Viento Thanks for trying it, but I'm curious, why do you use it
yeah, Origins and Motd and some areas in other maps need the things I disable here for them to respawn the zombies, I can think of a way to make it work, but that isn't what I intended for the script, only thing you can do is only move out and in the crazy place if the rounds are changing.
WolflexZ They Respawn/Die if they have met certain conditions that I disabled here:
1 - Zombie is far away
2 - Zombie is Idle (he stands in place for too long)
I couldn't find anything related to needing to hit the playerAs you said, many people don't need this script, and it might do them more harm then good, it's intended for some uses and not normal play.
Ivobardolf Hi mate, thanks for the reply, I'm playing with a friend and we wanted to do the easter egg quietly, without having to babysit a crawler. But I remembered from our old days on ps3 the last zombies would die by themselves if you went too far or a certain amount of time passed, that's why I wanted to try this script. Yesterday we completed the easter egg
but it was too easy, the script also makes the zombies never run, I guess this is not intentional. greetings
T.Re.Viento Makes sense now
Regarding the no running, I use the script in testing on every map and never had a no running issue, what round/step the zombie was supposed to run and it didn't?
Ivobardolf i was in round 4 when noticed none zombie run until round 23 when we completed the easter egg, i played some matches in solo today and the zombies start running at round 3 as usual, maybe a rare issue.
Ivobardolf Yeah that's why I said I could be wrong since I've read it on another forum.
I tried using this but instead of zombies not dying I actually want them to respawn way more faster, a more agressive respawn like on actual Zombies Modes. I tried on Die Rise by just reducing the Distance numbers but I can't see any difference, even using a really small number like only 100 I still couldn't spot any difference. What's wrong? Is what I'm trying to do actually related to another function?
Guilherme_INFR the function that kills them doesn't have anything for spawn speed
to make the zombies spawn faster, you need to change the level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"], 0.08 is the lowest it can go, here is a code that you can add to achieve that:
init() { level thread Fast_Spawns(); } Fast_Spawns() { for(;;) { level waittill("start_of_round"); wait 0.1; iPrintLn("Zombies spawn Faster"); level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = 0.08; } }
you can add it in the same file
Ivobardolf Thanks but I actually wasn't talking about spawn speeds but the distances it takes for the game to kill the zombies and respawn them near you. Like BO6 that has a fast af agressive respawns locations
hello bro, there is any way of the zombies not die when have a injury how bo3, sorry for mi english
Izi selva this script already does that, if you are far or the zombie is damaged he won't die.
Try it and see
Ivobardolf said in Remove Zombie Dying by Himself:
this script already does that, if you are far or the zombie is damaged he won't die.
Try it and see
what is the file to dowload bro, i cant see, sorry i am new in this
First, You need to create an empty GSC file, Then copy the entire script of the map that you are going to be playing and paste it inside the file.
Second, you need to make a Map folder so the script ONLY loads for the specific map, Otherwise you will get errors if you try to play another map, Every map has a folder specific name:
zm_transit --> Tranzit
zm_highrise --> Die Rise
zm_prison --> Mob of the Dead
zm_buried --> Buried
zm_tomb --> Originsyou make the folder inside the Plutonium T6 folder,
\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm- Third, you move the GSC file you made and put it inside the folder of the map, The script should load
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Ivobardolf ok so, i can make one gsc for each map whitout error? Or only i can use one for time?