[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++
im getting the same error
PoTaT0-. maybe the mod is broken now..
RatchetX3Xgladi my config was working as of ~10 days ago, based off older version of cahz's official mod
thebx2 the last update of the mod was in 2020 so i dont think something have change
RatchetX3Xgladi I can confirm the version my config was based on does differ from the latest update. I'm not sure what changed, but they are different.
give it a shot, can't hurt. I included a basic readme and the compiler
Cahz pls help! I really wanted to try this mod on motd but when i drag the maps folder (with win rar) to data folder and i start a game there's always error and plutonium closes automatically
I have updated the mod as parts of it broke with the recent plutonium updates. Please check the new version on github to see if it works now
https://github.com/Paintball/BO2-GSC-Releases/tree/master/Zombies Mods/Zombies%2B%2B/v1.3
18Crime RatchetX3Xgladi PoTaT0-. @lucas-amw
Cahz thank youuuuu!!!!! Everything work i didnt delete the file properly but now it's working thanks
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Cahz is there a vid on how to install?
Cahz is it possible to have multiple maps files? if so how?
Cahz So I have a problem that I dont know how to fix
. This happened when I was trying to install the Zombies++ thing and idk how to fix this cuz im dumb and don't understand scripting.
RevengeWRLD999 And this only happens when I play solo online. If I load into server then it doesnt have this error
Cahz i know you probably responded to this elsewhere, but how do you toggle off the new powerups??
Z++ doesn't use tell so that is being caused by another mod you have loaded.Lish
You can disable certain powerups by setting whichever Dvar values to0
zmPowerupsFastFeetEnabled zmPowerupsUnlimitedAmmoEnabled zmPowerupsPackAPunchEnabled zmPowerupsMoneyDropEnabled zmPowerupsNukeEnabled zmPowerupsInstaKillEnabled zmPowerupsMaxAmmoEnabled zmPowerupsDoublePointsEnabled zmPowerupsFireSaleEnabled zmPowerupsPerkBottleEnabled zmPowerupsCarpenterEnabled zmPowerupsZombieBloodEnabled
For Custom Games:
Open console and typeset <dvar> <value>
Example:set zmPowerupsZombieBloodEnabled 0
For Dedicated Servers:
You can edit your dedicated_zm.cfg file to add the DVARs -
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Cahz how the file is supposed to be downloaded it does not give me any option to download it
MichaelCH its a script not a mod, genius.
I'm using the pre-compiled v1.3, without editing anything.
So far on all maps I have seen PhD flopper which works great and as expected and I'm loving the zombie counter!However, which maps have the custom powerups and how many of them are pre-enabled to spawn in? (as aforementioned not edited anything, just using as pre-compiled)
On Die Rise, the Perk Bottle spawned in (shown in screenshot) which works great as perk list shows, but the other powerups e.g. fast feet, random money, unlimited ammo did not spawn.
On Mob of the Dead and Town, nothing appearedAre the custom powerups on a toggle before hand basis? But if that were the case then the perk bottle should not have spawned
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for this awesome script!!
Cahz thanks