[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to maps
in my t6 directory there is no mods directory and if I create a new one and name it mods my game just crashes? how do I fix that?
Hello today the plutonium asked me for an update and now it doesn't open me, just crash
Rocarts I have tested this just now on Town, I don't have any issues?
nfk Veterana You say T6 directory, which I am assuming is referring to the game directory and It's not meant to be there. Follow this installation guide strictly:
Extract the zm_weapons.zip Copy & Paste or drag the folder which contains the mod files to: %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\mods (Windows Key + R) You've installed the mod! Start BO2 zombies up, click on Mods in the menu and select zm_weapons
sehteria said in [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to maps:
I copy that in the windows+r search bar but it says error, verify that the name of the folder is correct then try again
nfk Veterana If there is no mods folder, just go "one up"/one before it and make the mods folder
sehteria is there a way to add only specific guns to each map? for example i'd love the M27 to be on every map, but i don't want every other gun in the game to be on every map
Is it possible to add all the wonderweapons to the mystery box for example being able to use the blundergat in other maps than mob of the dead?
Confusedtheo Possible? Yes, but I won't be doing that anytime soon with this mod because of lack of free time
ohautoparts Yes it is possible, but you have to create a mod yourself if you only want specific guns, with this mod there's no option to choose which weapons you want and don't want unfortunately
sehteria okieee, how would i go about doing that?
sehteria Alright appreciate the response
ohautoparts This is not something I can answer easily with just this reply, I suggest you to take a look into this guide: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/38179/release-oat-t6-modding-porting-tutorial-the-qooyak-guide
ohautoparts ive written a thing on my disc where i speak about this, but in your case would be to do the exact opposite of everything (would suggest adding me AdrX003 on it)
to add a gun in a mod where we have both existing sources (ZM): - add weapon lines on scripts/zm/ *CSC *GSC - add weapon lines on zonefiles to zone_source (mod.zone, /weapons, as needed) - copy weaponfiles to /weapons - add camo_*.json camo file to /camo - add/check weapon's soundbank aliases lines in its folder - if needed, add images, attachmentunique, accuracy & attachment files to its folders
something might be off or much problably is actually faster cause it could only be something like comment the other weapon lines and remove them from the zonefiles but genrally is this
undefined GhostRider0125 referenced this topic on
this mods broken, cant play at all; stuck on the zombies menu
This mod works great if used correctly, Keep up the good work Sehteria
FaZe Flick If you can tell me the problems you are experiencing I can look into it, have you installed it correctly?
Extract the zm_weapons.zip Copy & Paste or drag the folder which contains the mod files to: %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\mods (Windows Key + R) You've installed the mod! Start BO2 zombies up, click on Mods in the menu and select zm_weapons
sehteria You're mod works great my friend! Faze has a history of installing things in the wrong spot
mod works now, installed correctly but i gotta ask, why didnt you include the survival maps and only the base ones
undefined GhostRider0125 referenced this topic on
FaZe Flick Ummm... It also works on Survival maps? Ma bro literally be using the Deathmachine on Town