hindercanrun Thx bro !

[ZM][RELEASE] First Box Patch + Timer + Movement Speed Patch for Verruckt -
[ZM][RELEASE] First Box Patch + Timer + Movement Speed Patch for VerrucktTitle says it all, This is a first box patch that will give you the flamethrower and the raygun up until round 20, It also has an integrated timer in it that's synchronized with the game without the need for external software, I can release a version with just the timer and the movement speed if someone would prefer that, just ask me.
It also patches your backwards and strafe speed movement to console movement, it is 30% slower on pc by default.
This can be changed using the console if you prefer otherwise
player_backSpeedScale X (between 0 and 1 default is 0.7 on pc)
player_strafeSpeedScale X (between 0 and 1 default is 0.7 on pc)
anyways, add this script into your scripts folder and enjoy
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; //First Box by twitch.tv/AlexInVR init() { replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_weapon_spawn, ::custom_treasure_chest_weapon_spawn); thread onConnect(); } onConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread OnPlayerSpawned(); } } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.x = hud.x - -700; hud.y = hud.y + 35; hud.alpha = 1; time_text = string(GetTime() / 1000); flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); while (1){ hud setTimerUp(1); hud setTimer(time_text); } } custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon( player ) { if (level.round_number <= 20){ if (!(player HasWeapon("m2_flamethrower_zombie"))){ return "m2_flamethrower_zombie"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("ray_gun"))){ return "ray_gun"; } } keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons ); // Filter out any weapons the player already has filtered = []; for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if( player HasWeapon( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } //chrisP - make sure the chest doesn't give the player a bouncing betty if(keys[i] == "mine_bouncing_betty") { continue; } filtered[filtered.size] = keys[i]; } // Filter out the limited weapons if( IsDefined( level.limited_weapons ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.limited_weapons ); players = get_players(); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { count = 0; for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( players[i] HasWeapon( keys2[q] ) ) { count++; } // check for last stand weapons that might not be on the player at the time if (players[i] maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand()) { for( m = 0; m < players[i].weaponInventory.size; m++ ) { if (players[i].weaponInventory[m] == keys2[q]) { count++; } } } } if( count == level.limited_weapons[keys2[q]] ) { filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } } return filtered[RandomInt( filtered.size )]; } custom_treasure_chest_weapon_spawn( chest, player ) { assert(IsDefined(player)); // spawn the model model = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); model.angles = self.angles +( 0, 90, 0 ); floatHeight = 40; //move it up model moveto( model.origin +( 0, 0, floatHeight ), 3, 2, 0.9 ); // rotation would go here // make with the mario kart modelname = undefined; rand = undefined; for( i = 0; i < 40; i++ ) { if( i < 20 ) { wait( 0.05 ); } else if( i < 30 ) { wait( 0.1 ); } else if( i < 35 ) { wait( 0.2 ); } else if( i < 38 ) { wait( 0.3 ); } rand = custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon( player ); modelname = GetWeaponModel( rand ); model setmodel( modelname ); } self.weapon_string = rand; // here's where the org get it's weapon type for the give function // random change of getting the joker that moves the box rand = Randomint(100); //increase the chance of joker appearing from 0-100 based on amount of the time chest has been opened. if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype" && getdvar("magic_chest_movable") == "1") { if(level.chest_accessed < 5) { chance_of_joker = 0; } else { chance_of_joker = level.chest_accessed + 3; } if (rand <= chance_of_joker) { model SetModel("zombie_teddybear"); // model rotateto(level.chests[level.chest_index].angles, 0.01); //wait(1); model.angles = level.chests[level.chest_index].angles; wait 1; flag_set("moving_chest_now"); level.chest_accessed = 0; player maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( 950 ); } } self notify( "randomization_done" ); if (flag("moving_chest_now")) { wait .5; // we need a wait here before this notify level notify("weapon_fly_away_start"); wait 2; model MoveZ(500, 4, 3); model waittill("movedone"); model delete(); self notify( "box_moving" ); level notify("weapon_fly_away_end"); } else { model thread timer_til_despawn(floatHeight); self waittill( "weapon_grabbed" ); if( !chest.timedOut ) { model Delete(); } } } timer_til_despawn(floatHeight) { // SRS 9/3/2008: if we timed out, move the weapon back into the box instead of deleting it putBackTime = 12; self MoveTo( self.origin - ( 0, 0, floatHeight ), putBackTime, ( putBackTime * 0.5 ) ); wait( putBackTime ); if(isdefined(self)) { self Delete(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); self thread game_timer(); self SetClientDvars( "player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); wait 3; self IPrintLnBold("First box by ^1twitch.tv/^2AlexInVR"); } }
Here's what it looks like
[ZM][FIX] Temporary fix for CZ crashATZENMODUS windows + r %LOCALAPPDATA% ----> Plutonium ----> storage ----> t5 ---> zone
[RELEASE] [ZOMBIES] First box patch for shi no numaMisty thx man !
[ZM][FIX] Temporary fix for CZ crash~~This is a patch that disables the weapon in the game, I simply commented out the line that includes the weapon in the zombie mode and also disables the checks for dual wield. Should stop you from accidentally picking them up I guess
EDIT: use BoneCrusher's stuff in the comments, my fix is a very crude and amateur fix, intended just to literally prevent the crash entirely by removing the gun. this is not a proper fix. Bonecrusher has the right fix
cheater/hacker named "CheaterDreamGuy"I mean.... it's just pve lol, just leave the game that's it. Why should he be banned for modding in zombies lol. Especially if you joined a public server bro....