Hello everyone to the people who downloaded this Recently thank you
Ive recently went back to Editing This and made some changes to it for a "Cleaner" Look
its just the shoes that have been changed but it does look cleaner It looks like this
New Shoe:dcb918b0-0705-4e16-84eb-a7e82666d4fc-image.png
Side View:7df66966-668a-4986-91ec-c5c4fbd13bd2-image.png
Ive made this change and a white version of the shoe with a pink sole
So if you want me to upload the Revised version of this Just drop a comment say yes change it or no leave it its up to all of you ๐
Ill Change the link again (sorry if its annoying)
Old shoe solid color:729eb5d0-dad8-4e02-8e16-6e4973e8261d-image.png
Thanks again for all the support