Cyborg Replacement (Royalty Tiger from WW2) -
Cyborg Replacement (Royalty Tiger from WW2)Sorry Everyone been gone for a while lemme update the link if you're still interested
box texture?GhostRider0125 find one
how to speed up my character in origins?TheRobert10 %LOCALAPPDATA%/PLUTONIUM/STORAGE/T6/SCRIPTS/ZM
[Release] [ZM] Black ops cold war zombie audio overhaul@slurpy2 itd be nice if you'd show off more then just a single sound
Banned while in LAN mode?You weren't in Lan mode if you got banned
Banned@zanexGHG No you cheat the first time you get banned for 7 days you get a 14 day ban if you try to create an alt or evade the ban
your second time cheating is a permanent ban you don't even deserve a second chance but hey you got it and you threw it away so props to you lmfao
No you aren't getting unbanned stop cheating
alternative to reshade?RedxSkull Doesn't work with Plutonium
yes it's another ban appealYou've gotten banned twice you clearly didn't learn your lesson the first time No you aren't getting unbanned
bo3artemmit3e oh well suck it up and buy it lol
BO1 with a bad performancesavoured the recent update Version 22H2 causes performance drops in all games so that might the issue
you can check your windows version by pressing Windows Key + R and typing winver
and at the top it should say what your version is
Edit: Before this Windows Update I had the max amount of FPS I can get in all of the plutonium games
this update dropped my performance 100 Frames not much you can do besides update your GPU Drivers and wait till they fix it
BO1 with a bad performanceWhats your windows version?
can this be done?hindercanrun that plug
Online Zombies servers dead?Pikuku20 you're the only person having this problem... So
Bo2 Spiderman Camo@Shadow5108 in the future attach a screenshot in the actual post you can screenshot with Windows+Shift+S and you can paste image in the post
can this be done?GhostRider0125 possible for BO1 bo2? no possible
Online Zombies servers dead?Pikuku20 Yea sorry I completely misread honestly your schools Network might be blocking Plutonium's servers or something Not sure if its something you can fix
Online Zombies servers dead?Pikuku20 ? don't get what you're trying to say but zombies has been working for BO2 perfectly fine
Classes? aren't even in zombies so don't get what you mean by that either
Banned? -
[Release T6ZM] - Black Ops III Ray Gun StyleLKurama Like yea that's dope looking I didn't really understand how spec maps worked nor did i want to waste time fucking with it when I don't even mess with super reflective camos alot only time ive actually messed around with spec maps was BO1 and Im sure those work completely different from BO2 as well since I tried using the same spec map and it fucked my shit up I also tried to change the Origins PaP camo and wanted to change how reflective the metal bits are on that camo because they are Yellowish and they look so ugly lol and again couldn't get it to work properly
PS. I appreciate it but please use a different menu I stg that shit sucks so bad T_T we really need better menus for ZM