Ultimateman hi! I think you posted the trailer video twice instead of the tutorial one
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ] -
[Release] [ZM] Highest Round Tracker (UPDATED 3/13/2020)andresito_20 maybe this can help you
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/11302/zm-highest-round-tracker-error/10?_=1630612677354 -
[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022)GerardS0406 okaay! thanks, i cant wait for it!
[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022)GerardS0406 Amazing dude, excellent release! How can i get a previous Plutonium version?
[Zombies Dedicated Server] Exception Code: 0xC0000005 Exception Address: 0x2078D7B1Dss0 mmm yes, i mean.. i know for sure that im getting this crashes before installing the gsc-utils plugin.
Its a problem host several servers (4 for example) on different maps at the same time, from the same Dedicated Server folder? Each one with its respective config file -
[Zombies Dedicated Server] Exception Code: 0xC0000005 Exception Address: 0x2078D7B1 -
[ZM] Highest Round Tracker ErrorCahz Finally, Round tracker is working for all maps. It was strange.
After i changed that line of the path that was causing me problems, records were tracked in Origins, Motd, Buried and DieRise only, for maps like town, farm, nuketown and tranzit the thing was different.For nuketown: i had to change the txt name you shared with me, with the correct gametype (Standard instead of Survival).
Now for Town, Farm and Transit: the same as nuked with the txt files Plus: Change also this other line in the gscif( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zstandard" )
idk why but in those maps, ui_gametype returned me zstandard instead of zsurvival. With that fixed, it can go through the if condition (in maps like farm, town, etc) and return the right name for the highround .txt, after it returns from the startLocationName function.
im using this server files:
so the map locations and gametypes are pre-loaded with that configs.I think its the end of the line. Thanks again for helping me, the txt files you shared helped me a lot to figure out how your script works
[ZM] Highest Round Tracker ErrorKalitos Ohhh i see. And do you have all your server's data there too?
Can you share with me the .bat file you are using to launch your server?
Maybe i have an old one, because my .GSC and .cfg files still being loaded in T6r folderCahz You did your best trying to help! And im happy with that. I will keep searching
[ZM] Highest Round Tracker ErrorCahz The server is at E:\Juegos\gameserver. Inside gameserver are all the config files folders, and that
I tryed writing in console the next things:
get fs_basepath and get fs_basegame:
the first one gave me the correct path as above (E:\Juegos\gameserver). But with fs_basegame i get "".level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt";
If im getting this right... the final value of path is (For example in the map Farm):
So yes.. that path doesnt exist. It have to be E:/Juegos/gameserver/t6r/data/logs.
I think we can "fix" this problem temporarly, remplacing:
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/";
level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/t6r/data";
As you can see here, thats the t6 folder i was talking about, idk why my last logs are stored there, instead of t6r.
[ZM] Highest Round Tracker ErrorCahz Hi cahz, sorry i replied your old post, they always told me its better create a new thread instead of post a question in an old one haha. Thanks for your answer
About the fed's t6 gsc utilites , i only downloaded the .dll file and pasted it inside the plugins folder. Or i have to also download the source code zip and place it somewhere?
I have Version 1.6.1 i think is the last one.Also, Im dowloading the file you gave me right now. I'll reply the results soon. Thanks again Cahz.
EDIT: i still getting the error, i checked the server folder isnt read only too
[ZM] Highest Round Tracker ErrorHeyy, hi there. Recently i tried this script in my server:
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/3649/release-zm-highest-round-tracker-updated-3-13-2020?_=1622220235477I've seen that the autor updated it a few months ago, i had the old version so i deleted all i had from it and i added the new version lines instead. But im getting the next error in the cmd window or console when i launch the server: fopen Invalid Path.
It seems that the server cant create the .txt file with the records in the correct path. I ran the server in Administrator mode too, in case it was something of writing permissions.
I checked several times that the codes in the gsc are Okey. Also i checked the old version is completely erased.
So the record is saved but when the new round begins, the record is lost. Always at the end of the game shows "New Record:...", "Beaten by:..." in chat but not at the begining of the match.Also, idk if this affects to the tracker but, recently i noticed my server logs are not saved in t6r/data/logs folder anymore. It creates a sub folder called t6/logs (t6 without the "r"). The .cfg server config file still the same as always, i never touched that since i create it. (for example, for the map Town: g_log "logs\games_zm_town.log", is by default)
init(){ level thread onplayerconnect(); thread high_round_tracker(); //High Round Tracker } onplayerconnect(){ for (;;) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread onplayerspawned(); player thread high_round_info(); } //And then all the scripts at the end of the file// high_round_tracker() { thread high_round_info_giver(); gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); //file handling// level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen(path, "r"); text = fread(file); fclose(file); //end file handling// highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" ); level.HighRound = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = highroundinfo[ 1 ]; for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_game" ); if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = ""; players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = players[i].name; } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = level.HighRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name; } } foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number ); player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } log_highround_record( level.round_number + ";" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } log_highround_record( newRecord ) { gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen( path, "w" ); fputs( newRecord, file ); fclose( file ); } startLocationName( location ) { if( location == "cornfield" ) return "Cornfield"; else if( location == "diner" ) return "Diner"; else if( location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; else if( location == "power" ) return "Power"; else if( location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( location == "transit" ) return "BusDepot"; else if( location == "tunnel" ) return "Tunnel"; } mapName( map ) { if( map == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( map == "zm_highrise" ) return "DieRise"; else if( map == "zm_prison" ) return "Motd"; else if( map == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( map == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( map == "zm_transit" ) return "Tranzit"; return "NA"; } gamemodeName( gamemode ) { if( gamemode == "zstandard" ) return "Standard"; else if( gamemode == "zclassic" ) return "Classic"; else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" ) return "Survival"; else if( gamemode == "zgrief" ) return "Grief"; else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" ) return "Turned"; return "NA"; } high_round_info_giver() { highroundinfo = 1; roundmultiplier = 5; level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "start_of_round" ); if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier )) { highroundinfo++; foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); player tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } } high_round_info() { wait 6; self tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); self tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); }
Im at your disposition, Thanks in advance.
Metal -
[Zombies Dedicated Server] Exception Code: 0xC0000005 Exception Address: 0x2078D7B1Hi! Since a while im getting the same exception code and address in my dedicated server:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x2078D7B1Most of the cases occurs in maps Like Nuketon (6 players config), Town (more this map than others, 8 players config), Origins (4 players config).
Likely happens at high rounds: 22+
Im using ZOMBIES++ mod. I tried disabling it completely but still crashing.
Plutonium version is up to date.
I have the server hosted in another pc, so its on only when i host the server
[outdated] Zombies Bank FixSorex Cool! Thank
[outdated] Zombies Bank FixSorex Are you going to update the bank fix so we can use the last iw4m version?
The torrent file for downloading WAW doesnt work.Just copy that torrent link (right click on the torrent link and copy) and then add it in your bittorrent pressing Ctrl + U
[Release] Zombies Mapvote MenuSorex This was rare. I didnt have any of this .cfg files (the ones inside the red box) in the gamesettings folder. The map vote works excellent now (was my fault ofcourse).
The server rotates to the voted map without problem! Town still appearing in the map voting, but Whatever! Im enjoying your work anyways!!!
PD: Its normal that when we are 1+ players, when someone votes a map, the vote sound repeats itself until the vote its over? -
[Release] Zombies Mapvote MenuSorex said in [RELEASE] Zombies Mapvote Menu:
get mv_Town
i didnt know i can do that! hahha
get mv_Town
mv_Town is "0"
maybe i have an old version of the server. i update it very often through the updater.bat, anyway i have the feeling that something about the map loading in the server's .cfg its not right.
Im gonna check if i have all files properly and up to date -
[Release] Zombies Mapvote MenuSorex Yeees, i have the config like that
take a look here