[ZM] T6 Perkaholic Mod
ps9 hmm interesting this would be nice
its over 9000!!!
ps9 pass'em, those camos.
ps9 i need a tutorial
@R3vengeYT it’s very simple to set up
Hey man great job, sadly it doesn't work on mob of the dead. Once the game starts and you are in afterlife you lose all perks.
Any idea how to fix that?
MyBadiKilledYou oh it’s gonna be hard with afterlife in the way, maybe it someone could make the perks appear on round 2 or something, idk.
no problem the 'director's cut' by teh bandit does actually give you all of them even in motd
MyBadiKilledYou if you can edit the file you can add this before it gives the perks
flag_wait("initial_players_connected"); while(isdefined(self.afterlife) && self.afterlife){ wait 0.05; }
it will wait specifically before the first spawn phase os over if you play on mob
@R3vengeYT me too fr need a tutorial on howe to set up
can someone make a video on how to get this to work
It’s so simple
if u need a tutorial for this then your brain is small -
Can you link the perk icons ps9
@oppastomppa dont have the link to it anymore but i use these now
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/16641/soe-perk-icons -
Quick question, can you release the source for this? Wanted to do some edits.
This post is deleted!
@s0uthstar Thank you!
Thanks to chicken emoji
I made @s0uthstar script work on MOTD too
If you want to download directly the gsc file > DownloadThe source code is below
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks; init() { level thread on_player_connect(); } on_player_connect() { level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread on_player_spawned(); player thread sq_give_player_all_perks(); } } on_player_spawned() { level endon( "end_game" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); while( 1 ) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); } } sq_give_player_all_perks() { flag_wait( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); flag_wait("initial_players_connected"); while(isdefined(self.afterlife) && self.afterlife){ wait 0.05; } if( level.script != "zm_tomb" ) { machines = getentarray( "zombie_vending", "targetname" ); perks = []; i = 0; while( i < machines.size ) { if( machines[ i].script_noteworthy == "specialty_weapupgrade" ) { i++; continue; } perks[perks.size] = machines[ i].script_noteworthy; i++; } } else { perks = level._random_perk_machine_perk_list; } foreach( perk in perks ) { if( self.perk_purchased == perk && IsDefined( self.perk_purchased ) ) { } else { if( self has_perk_paused( perk ) || self hasperk( perk ) ) { } else { self give_perk( perk, 0 ); wait 0.25; } } } if( getdvarint( "players_keep_perks_permanently" ) == 1 ) { if( !(is_true( self._retain_perks )) ) { self thread watch_for_respawn(); self._retain_perks = 1; } } } watch_for_respawn() { level endon( "end_game" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); while( 1 ) { self waittill_either( "spawned_player", "player_revived" ); wait_network_frame(); self thread sq_give_player_all_perks(); self setmaxhealth( level.zombie_vars[ "zombie_perk_juggernaut_health"] ); } }