[Release] Overwrite Default Class (GSC)
Kalitos where I put the level.inGracePeriod, that is to say where in the script?
Cahz where I put the level.inGracePeriod, that is to say where in the script?
Cahz Where do I put the code that Karlitos mentioned so that if he shoots in the 10 seconds he can't change class?
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alejandrodarz Stop spamming him for an answer. He'll answer when he does.
alejandrodarz Replace the old doChangeClass() function with this one
doChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { self waittill("changed_class"); if ( level.inGracePeriod && !self.hasDoneCombat ) { if(self.pers[ "class" ] == "CLASS_SMG") { self.pers[ "class" ] = undefined; self maps/mp/gametypes/_class::giveloadout( self.team, self.class ); self thread doRandomClass(); self.RandomClass = true; } else { self.pers[ "class" ] = undefined; self maps/mp/gametypes/_class::giveloadout( self.team, self.class ); self.RandomClass = undefined; } } else { self iPrintLnBold( game["strings"]["change_class"] ); } } }
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Cahz I found a problem and that is that when I choose a personalized class I appear with the random weapons plus the personalized weapons of mine, that is to say a total of 4 weapons and I have to commit suicide so that only my personalized weapons come out and if I commit suicide again my personalized weapons will come out more the ramdon weapons and so on
Cahz I found another error and that is that when I disconnect and go back in, the script stops serving, that is, it does not give me the ramdon weapons but those of the normal class. Any solution that you can suggest for it?
alejandrodarz Make sure you have ALL the scripts from the original post in this tread. Sounds like you deleted code.
Cahz okok now I try it again and I tell you, that is, the script should still work when you leave the game and enter? what I should dd copy something wrong