[Web] Plutonium Server List -
[RELEASE] mxve's 4k loadscreensmxve's 4K loadscreens
- Download .iwi
- Place in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\images\
- ????
- Profit
[Linux/Windows] Server updaterGitHub
Plutonium Updater CLI
- Multi-platform
- Option to automatically create backups
- Download the latest release
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOS (untested)
- Linux
- Unpack archive
- Run it
- Preferably from a terminal so you can see the output and append the arguments listed below, if needed.
- Linux
- Unpack
tar xfv plutonium-updater-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Make binary executable
chmod +x plutonium-updater
- Run it
- Unpack
- Windows
- Unpack
- Run it
Windows update .bat
@echo off set installDir=C:\your_pluto_directory plutonium-updater.exe -d "%installDir%"
Linux update .sh
#!/bin/bash INSTALLDIR=/home/pluto/pluto_dir ./plutonium-updater -d "$INSTALLDIR"
Repair files
./plutonium-updater.exe -f
./plutonium-updater.exe -fd "pluto directory"
-h, --help
- Show available arguments
-V, --version
- Print plutonium-updater version
-d, --directory <path>
- Install directory, supports relative and absolute paths
- Default: "plutonium"
-f, --force
- Force file hash re-check even if version matches
-l, --launcher
- Download launcher assets.
-q, --quiet
- Hide file actions (Checked, Skipped, Downloaded)
-s, --silent
- Hide all non-error output
-c, --check
- Compares local version to remote
- Exit code 0 for up to date
- Exit code 1 for outdated
- Compares local version to remote
- Returns local version number, not found/broken = 0
- Returns latest version number
- Disable colors
- List revisions archived on plutonium-archive.getserve.rs
--archive <revision>
- Install revision archived on plutonium-archive.getserve.rs
- Downgrading is not recommended, use an empty directory instead. If downgrading use
- Create backup of current version while updating
- Create/update backup of current version
- List available backups
--backup-restore <backup>
- Restore backed up version
- Override cdn url
-e, --exclude "file|folder
- Exclude file or folder from update
- Can be used multiple times
- Example:
-e "games/t6mp.exe" -e "storage"
Exit codes
- 0 success
- 101 error (rust panic)
(Just fail on everything that differs from 0 if you are scripting it)
- Install the rust toolchain
- Clone the repo
- Build
cargo build --release
- (Linux/Optional) Strip binary
strip target/release/plutonium-updater
- Grab binary from
[Web] Plutonium Server Listupdatink yes
- updated layout
- added api endpoints
- get all servers
- get server by ip and port
- data you don't get from the pluto api
- player userslug (sanitized username to build forum profile url)
- display map name (for known maps)
- display hostname (removed color codes)
- display gametype
- server online & known
- online should be obvious
- known is currently the same as online but will in the future be used to differentiate between servers that are offline but have been cached and servers that are completely unknown
This is getting ridiculousIts ridiculous how entitled you are
Option to play t5 zombies alpha is gone -
Plutonium is shitThen create your own free mod for the game, fix the bugs of the original, add features and get people to play it.
Should be easy enough -
[Web] Plutonium Server ListSo uuh X Labs anyone?
plutonium launcher errorErrors related to D3DCOMPILER_43.dll, XINPUT1_3.dll, D3DX9_37.dll, MSVCP140.dll or VCRUNTIME140.dll are caused by missing redistributable on your system.
To fix this a member of the staff created a script that will download and install all the redistributable (redist) required to get Plutonium running.
Download and open the script from the link below and let it finish to download and install every redist (Direct X, Visual C++ etc.)
Then once it says it's finished you can close it and start your game.
https://github.com/ChxseH/Redist-Installer/releases/download/latest/Redist-Installer.bat -
My Stats got reset.... -
Disable Custom Script into my serverMy preferred way is to have a separate plutonium directory (the one in %LocalAppData%\Plutonium, where you put your scripts) for every server.
- Create update.bat
@echo off set plutonium=C:\path\to\plutonium.exe set installDir=C:\unique\dir "%plutonium%" -install-dir "%installDir%" -update-only
- change plutonium var (C:\path\to\plutonium.exe) to the path of your plutonium.exe
- change installDir var (C:\unique\dir) to the directory you want for the servers plutonium files
- this has to be different for every server that should use different scripts
Update your start.bat
if you use the default start bat, there'll be a line like this
cd /D %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium
change "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium" to the path you set for installDir -
Put scripts on the new plutonium folder, or don't if you don't want any :^)
A different way is to modify your script(s) so they only load on servers with a specific port
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/17070/assign-a-script-to-another-server-how?_=1643248860552 -
Plutonium isn't about playing for free, it's about adding features and enhancements to old games
BO3 already has most, if not all, things plutonium would be adding
A Plutonium client for BO3 wouldn't make it suddenly get more players
Dr.Stone762 said in T7.:
I think I would like to see bo1 or even aw more than bo3 because they are games that I have not played in 2 generations of consoles (ps3), I would like the plutonium team to support one of those 2, I personally loved it that plutonium gave me the opportunity to replay the great and nostalgic bo2
bo3 < bo1/aw
for nostalgiaBO1 (T5) has already been announced. Theres no ETA, but it is being worked on.
Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021Unluko
Will there be a call of duty black ops 3 or ghost game in the near future?kanekki291
Server owner abusing keysLeonFull But you already have to actively bypass the limit by creating a new account to generate more keys. I don't understand how it isn't obvious that this means you aren't supposed to create more servers.
Theres no way you accidentally do this. This isn't about people not knowing about the rule, but rather about people not using their brain.
For all I care this rule could be completetly removed, but don't try to make this a mistake of pluto staff lmao -
[Web] Plutonium Server ListWeb
(Desktop only)
- Added sorting (click the column title to sort)
- Added aim assist info
- Added password protection info
- Added current round (t6zm only)
- round
- Current round (non-t6zm is always 0)
- password
- Now supports all games, the plutonium api only correctly sets it for iw5
- aimassist
- '-1' if unknown (currently always -1 for iw5 t4)
- '0' if disabled
- '1' if enabled
Banned on BO2You didn't get banned for that, just stop lying lmao
How to play better??mouse and keyboard
[Web] Plutonium Server ListIHateBlackOps4 said in [Web] Plutonium Server List:
I have some suggestions.
- H1 support when?
Currently not planned
- Any way you can have it select certain games to show up? e.g. show only IW5 and T5 servers and/or don't show Pluto Zombies servers?
You can make it show only a single game by using the links above the table:
Filtering for multiple games isn't really something I want to do, because I feel like it would make things too cluttered or harder to use. -
Retrieve Chat Messages from Players with GSCinit() { level thread chatListener(); } chatListener() { while (true) { level waittill("say", message, player); println(player.name + " said: " + message); } }