I fixed the warnings in the console, I included the explanations at the bottom for those who are curious about it.
I also made it not unnecessarily thread on bots, just a small performance "fix"
Kalitos Maybe this will interest you or maybe you wanna update your script on the OP
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
level thread OnPlayerConnected();
level waittill("connected", player);
// Don't thread DisplayPlayerKillstreak() on bots
if (isDefined(player.pers["isBot"]))
if (player.pers["isBot"])
continue; // skip
player thread DisplayPlayerKillstreak();
self endon ("disconnect");
level endon("game_ended");
self.killstreak_text = createFontString( "Objective", 0.65 );
self.killstreak_text setPoint( 0, "TOP", 0, 7.5 );
self.killstreak_text.label = &"^1KILLSTREAK: ";
if(!IsDefined(self.playerstreak) || self.playerstreak != self.pers["cur_kill_streak"])
self.playerstreak = self.pers["cur_kill_streak"];
self.killstreak_text setValue(self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]);
wait 0.01;
For some reason the game seems to throw a warning when you pass "CENTER" in the setPoint function so I replaced it with 0.
This was happening because when doing this
if(self.playerstreak != self.pers["cur_kill_streak"])
self.playerstreak = self.pers["cur_kill_streak"];
self.killstreak_text setValue(self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]);
the first time the playerstreak variable isn't defined yet because it's a variable created by the script in that if condition.
So to make sure the script works normally I added another case !IsDefined(self.playerstreak) || so that it will work both when our HUD needs to be updated and also when our variable isn't defined yet (first iteration)
Same than above, when comparing undefined to a variable the result isn't true or false but undefined (to my understanding)