[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022)
Fixel090 Do you have a server set up to run it on?
Monologue You must run a normal transit on a separate server, because this script disables the bus to run custom maps. Unless you modify the script for your need.
When I Install the files given into "Scripts", then I load tranzit and put the two given command, I always have script error, how does it work? -
GerardS0406 how do i stop these trucks to spawn when i'm playing tranzit?? (not dinner, tranzit) it's kinda annoying since i can't shoot through them. the bus and i can clip through them tho so it's not that big of an issue but it's confusing. is there any way to remove them when i'm playing Tranzit?
GerardS0406 do we need a server for this too work????
Whenever I load a map from this pack I get the error "G_Spawn: no free entities".
Other maps load fine, only these ones with the problem.
GerardS0406 Hey man, yes, I would just like to install the pack to punch in the farm because I'm looking for just that file and I can't find it.
how to get back to original maps ?
GerardS0406 JezuzLizard Cahz -
GerardS0406 where can i find my dedicated zm cfg?
JezuzLizard I get this error when I try to load any map. Any ideas?
******* script link error *******
**** 2 script error(s):
**** Unresolved external : "checkscorelimit" with 0 parameters in "maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_score.gsc" at lines 1,1,1 ****
**** Unresolved external : "checkteamscorelimitsoon" with 1 parameters in "maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_score.gsc" a
GerardS0406 How would I go about converting each area into it's own gsc script? I'd like to run these along side other maps on my server but their format would make it too messy. The maps I currently run are each their own dvar based gsc script that I call using cfg files
Guys can anyone explain this error i am trying since hours to fix it but to no avail...
Kalitos can you send me that box texture looks fire
Red Devil If you haven't already solved this (or for anyone else that gets this error), it's because you're using forward slashes for file/folder paths when it wants backslashes. I just had the same error when I moved a script from the old GSC replacement folder to the scripts folder.
this popped up when I tried to load tranzit
Balrog85 bro please can you explain it simplier that happend to me too and idk how to fix it.....i mean ik im doin a mistake but i dont know what that is,showing some screenshots would be perfect too if ou got the costum maps installed
Usually the first few lines of a GSC file will be lines like this:
#include maps\mp_utility;
... which tell it to include the code from another file. Sometimes they will use forward slashes (/) instead of backslashes () but if you're running the server on Windows, you might need to swap them to backslashes to fix the problem. Also, if you see any lines that look something like this:
... with a filename and two colons (::), you'll need to correct them to backslashes there too.I've had several problems trying to get this mod to run though. Some maps work and others don't. It hasn't been updated since Jan 2022 so it probably needs a lot of updates to the code.
an update doesn't work like before! I got the error message too! please! I love these survival maps
Doesnt work for solo whatsoever, why is the download that claims itself to be compiled NOT COMPILED? The files are completely loose and the explanation for this mod shoddy at best, I understand if english isnt a first language but the video tutorial doesnt point to that... frankly its a good mod but its got alot going against it.