Respawn on Saved Position Code?
TheHiddenHour idk any scripting
TheHiddenHour i tried to see if i can do it i can't do every time i do it is bad can you see if you can help me with it
Duui YT Show me what you've got so far.
TheHiddenHour i got it in add to my menu but it still works as a save and load i have to do it like this bec when i just do saveloaction it dose not spawn me on savedpos on when i die
self add_option("SubM10", "saveLocation", ::saveLocation); self add_option("SubM10", "Load", ::moveToSavedLocation);
Duui YT Did you add the rest to
? -
TheHiddenHour yes i added both of them
if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles))
self moveToSavedLocation();
TheHiddenHour i did it like this
onplayerspawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self freezecontrols(false); self.MenuInit = false; isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { if(isFirstSpawn) { if (self isHost()) { self iPrintln(" ^1 "); } isFirstSpawn = false; } self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if(self is_bot()) self takeallweapons(); if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self setPerk("specialty_fallheight"); if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { self moveToSavedLocation(); } } } }
// Set saved location saveLocation() { self.savedOrigin = self.origin; self.savedAngles = self.angles; self iprintln("^2Saved location when you die you will ^6spawn here"); } // Move entity to saved location moveToSavedLocation() { self setOrigin(self.savedOrigin); self.angles = self.savedAngles; // Can't remember if there's a function to set an entity's angles self iprintln("^2Moved to saved location"); } // Erase saved location to prevent spawning on it eraseSavedLocation() { self.savedOrigin = undefined; self.savedAngles = undefined; self iprintln("^1Saved location erased"); }
if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");
if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { self moveToSavedLocation(); } }
Give this a try
onplayerspawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self freezecontrols(false); self.MenuInit = false; isFirstSpawn = true; for(;;) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if(isFirstSpawn) { if (self isHost()) { self iPrintln(" ^1 "); } isFirstSpawn = false; } if(self is_bot()) self takeallweapons(); if(isDefined(self.savedOrigin) && isDefined(self.savedAngles)) self moveToSavedLocation(); if( self.status == "Host" || self.status == "Co-Host" || self.status == "Admin" || self.status == "VIP" || self.status == "Verified") { if (!self.MenuInit) { // self moveToSavedLocation(); } } } }
TheHiddenHour it works but when i try binding it it says it is bad
buttonMonitorsaveandlaod() { self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslottwobuttonpressed()) self saveLocation(); wait .05; } }
TheHiddenHour how am i going to bind it
Duui YT I mean, what you've got already looks like it should work.
Duui YT simple. 2 lines in onPlayerSpawned.
Onplayerspawn, put this:
if (isDefined(self.a) && isDefined(self.o)) { self setplayerangles(self.a); self setorigin(self.o); }
This will respawn you on your saved position if its set. Keep the original save and load code too.
mikey where i put this scripte which folder and type
TheHiddenHour How did u name it in .gsc