Doctor_Flopper make sure that you are not running any other mods in the background. Tranzit 2.0 should be ran as its provided. Let me know if this fixes it.
![Ultimateman Ultimateman](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-53415/53415-profileavatar-1733709123198.png)
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ] -
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]Greffonxd only gsc and custom textures
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]Greffonxd A huge update is on it's way for this mod. Release for the mod is around the corner..
new full sq easter egg
2 new traps ( soul seekers & deathbuzz trap )
New wonder weapon upon completing the ee
2 new perks upon completing the ee
perma perk reward
perk heaven skipt to jugg option
automatic checkpoint respawn for perk heaven
some viewmodel changes
something else?? can't remember -
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]loleriz look up on the forums o how to play with friends. the coop version of this mod is also available.
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]Bensajolin ehh I'm not sure about that
It should be doable since nothing was changed but I suppose denizens are required to open up lamp teleporters during the last part of the ee so hmm
[Release] [Zombies] Bo2 Trials Systemthis is the most boss shit ever. you know it. real gangsta!
shizzle my nizzle brother -
[Resource] [ZM] Center Perks Scriptbest mod ever. so crazy shizzle nissle black magic hizzle
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]@batzzzz thanks I appreciate it!
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]@Ghost_191 plutonium broke up the mod and they haven't fixed that issue yet so join in on our discord server where you can download a fix for plutonium's bug
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]alacritty the mod is getting a huge update in the upcoming days. The failsafe loading should work by then, I've even made an automatic respawn system so that player's don't have to teleport to failsafe manually.
Stock Maps work Custom maps do notBabyjworks hmm I'll take a look at this once I'm done with my project. I'll see if I come up with the same error and then I'll try to resolve the issue ( should be a lot easier to find the issue since I can work locally with the error )
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]@wonkysmw3profile cool looking, maybe the text could be a little bit more visible tho
btw, make sure to download the huge v2 update once I'm done making it. It adds perk heaven improvements, custom easter egg quest & a cool "DoomStick" weapon mod ee reward!
[ZM] CIA & CDC gloves n models 2 (5ish)drip money gangsta style
Stock Maps work Custom maps do notBabyjworks it says that it can't find the file called ugx_modder_help. Have you first checked that you are including that file in your mod?
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]Kalitos there's not supposed to be any perks in the map. you can only get your perks from perk heaven. A huge update is coming to the mod soon which will add plenty of qol changes to all perk heaven stuff, and fx counts, also including a new easter egg!
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]@JuxSayin thanks! and no, the navcard spawn locations haven't been disabled
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]prada2sleezy you got to be joking, you can't be
that stupid lmao. both the video & text tutorial can be found inside of the zip package. stop being a brain dead cunt and grow up, you embarrassed yourself. -
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]Aske1836 you can just leave the images folder "uninstalled" and you will see the visuals & qol working just fine. Just make sure that you have the scripts installed
[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]W1LM3R Yeah, this mod doesn't include solo ee, believe I saw Bandit's post about solo ee for bo2 maps over here at forums some while ago, give it a look!
[ City Of Mars V2 "The Final Awakening" Update - BO2 Nuketown Reimagined Plutonium ]zxc_Wr3ckz_ Thank you for your feedback! Perk heaven will get an update that you can go straight to juggernog when entering to heaven if you're willing to pay 2500 for the teleport. I'm also working for a cool Easter Egg Quest for the map, stay tuned!