idk why it would do that, however if you downloaded any of those misty hands textures that I left links for, it could be that they're formatted for bo2 and not bo1
to fix this you would just want to get the iwi to dds converter that I left in the textures folder in the zip, and take whatever texture you're going to use and convert it to dds, and then convert it back to iwi and when you do so it'll ask what cod to format the texture in, and just push 3 for bo1
I probably should have mentioned that in the original post

ZM/MP Misty View Hands Patch -
ZM/MP Misty View Hands Patchyou can put them in your plutonium directory under Plutonium/storage/t5/images just put the iwi file in the images folder (if you don't have an images folder make one)
you can also put the texture in the iw_zMistyHands.iwd file that you put in your main folder, but to do this you need to have something like 7zip to open the iwd, then there should be a folder called images and put the texture in there
just make sure before you put the texture in you rename it so the name looks like this "~-gviewarm_zom_farmergirl_c.iwi" -
[BO1] Kino der toten double upgrade and perk update -
spiderweb bowie knife camo2alias I got these 2 textures and combined them I'll leave the texture here if u wanna use it
~-gviewarm_zom_farmergirl_c.iwi -
spiderweb bowie knife camoI made this a while ago but thought it could be cool to put on here
it's bascially just the bowie knife with a spider web texture and it says bowie knife along the top in katakana, but I made a version without the text
without the text
With text
(with text)~~-gusa_knife_bowie_s-rgb&~-r~98f5d615.iwi
(with text)usa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(with text)~-gusa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
Without text
(no text)usa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(no text)~-gusa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(no text)~~-gusa_knife_bowie_s-rgb&~-r~98f5d615.iwijust remove the part that says "(with text)" or "(without text)" from the beginning of the file name before putting it in your plutonium directory
ZM/MP Misty View Hands PatchMitsy View Hands for ZM/MP
While I did make the patch files for this mod I used the source from BoneCrushers Animated Camos mod so
I dont fully take credit for this, I'm pretty much an armature when it comes to moddingWhat this mod includes:
patch files that replaces all the characters view hand models with mistys from bo2
My own version of the patch that has purple powerups, white tgun lights,
and removes the black and white filter from ascension -
I also made two versions I made of these patch files, one that removes the character quotes and one that keeps the character quotes
(idk why I included this) I also made a patch for moon and der riese that adds the waw ppsh but can only be given with commands
command to give ppsh: "give zombie_ppsh" and "give zombie_ppsh_upgraded" -
I also included some custom textures for mistys viewhands
Here are some Images
How to Install for ZM
First Download the mod
take the .ff files and put them into your zone folder under common in your bo1 game directory
then put the iw_zMistyHands.iwd file into the folder called main in your bo1 game directory
How to install for MP
Copy the mp_Misty_Hands folder and paste it into your mods folder in your plutonium directory under t5
Then make sure that the iw_zMistyHands.iwd is in the folder called main in your bo1 game directory
Here are some custom textures for mistys view hands that other people made
Skeleton texture -
Misty white gloves fish net -
Misty black gloves fish net -
Misty Gloves and sleeves black -
6 Misty gloves -
misty gloves again -
Misty White Gloves + Dragon Tattoo -
Halloween Gloves -
Skeleton Hello Kitty Misty -
1 rep to put linksI was going to upload a topic with links but couldn't since I need 1 rep