[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
i still have denizens on tranzit with the mod can i have some help or explanation to help fix this?
and jet gun keeps breaking
Ultimateman for sure man ps. sorry for the VERY LATE response but if you want to il try a time for us to hop into a vc to brainstorm an plan if your down
Ultimateman Bannedreplied to C0NFU510N on Oct 30, 2023, 8:55 AM last edited by Xerxes Oct 30, 2023, 1:54 PM
C0NFU510N You haven't installed the mod correctly then. You could try posting a screenshot of your scripts folder in our dc group -
When you look where the sun should be, a very large square white spot appears. could you fix it?
rodrigo_freefire hi. you could remove the texture called "sun_zombie.iwi" from the images folder. This will fix the bug but it will make the sun visible again.
Ultimateman I deleted the two textures of the sun for not reading the message, I haven't seen any inconvenience, thank you
This post is deleted!
Ultimateman how do i disable the lighting and enable the denizens?
Jeniussmort Comment out the following
//this thread set_transit_visuals(); // && this level.is_player_in_screecher_zone = ::hook_is_player_in_screecher_zone;
Hope this helps
Ultimateman sorry but can u simplify this a bit please? I just wanna remove the mods shaders and enable the denizens so is there any lines of code in the files i can just delete to do that? Again sorry if this is an inconvenience.
Jeniussmort my bad, did u wanna remove everything that comes with tranzit 2.0 or what? then you can simply delete the images folder and every script file
please only scrip for jetgun
does anyone know why origins or any other map wont load on bo2 zombies??
So you took tranzit, and removed the tranzit part
Ebernite pretty much
anyone know which file is the skybox file? or atleast what causes it to change because i hate the sudo day night cycle
i can't do the richtofen easter egg because the Jetgun has unlimited ammo
VALXD Yeah this mod will be updated eventually.