[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Chaos mod
updated both download links. there is now few more tasks and junk like healthbar, hitmarks and zombie counter.
@dontknowletsplay said in [Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Chaos mod:
Why cant i just put it in my mods folder
retartedgamer I dont think it work like that. Go ahead and try..
Also the mod dont work with dlc maps checked it did not work and i have all dlcs
retartedgamer you must be doing something wrong.
idk what im doing wrong
why do i have 1m points when i start the game is that normal and is there a way to fix it
@zhyako Fixed
@dontknowletsplay Nice!!
Always nice releases, nice job
Can you share the script for the hitmarkers? Thanks.
//bo1 zombie hitmarks #include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_hud_util; init() { if ( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) { precacheshader("damage_feedback"); level thread onPlayerConnect(); } } onPlayerConnect() { level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self waittill("spawned_player"); self thread damagehitmarker(); } damagehitmarker() { self thread check_zombies(); self.hitmarker = newclientHudElem( self ); self.hitmarker.horzalign = "center"; self.hitmarker.vertalign = "middle"; self.hitmarker.x = -12; self.hitmarker.y = -12; self.hitmarker.alpha = 0; self.hitmarker setshader( "damage_feedback", 24, 48 ); } check_zombies() { level endon("end_game"); while( 1 ) { zombies = getaiarray( "axis" ); for(i=0;i<zombies.size;i++) { if( !(IsDefined( zombies[i].waitingfordamage )) ) { zombies[i] thread hitmark(); } } wait 0.25; } } hitmark() { level endon("end_game"); self endon( "killed" ); self.waitingfordamage = 1; while( 1 ) { self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, dir, point, mod ); attacker.hitmarker.alpha = 0; if( isplayer( attacker ) ) { if( isalive( self ) ) { attacker.hitmarker.color = ( 1, 1, 1 ); attacker.hitmarker.alpha = 1; attacker.hitmarker fadeovertime( 1 ); attacker.hitmarker.alpha = 0; } else { attacker.hitmarker.color = ( 1, 0, 0 ); attacker.hitmarker.alpha = 1; attacker.hitmarker fadeovertime( 1 ); attacker.hitmarker.alpha = 0; self notify( "killed" ); } } } }
@dontknowletsplay How do I use it exactly? When I make the .gsc file and put it in the maps folder it just shows an error message when loading into the map. I gave it a random name, could that be the problem?
Schnaz i changed the code little so copy it again and save with .gsc extension and move to
@dontknowletsplay Thank you so much, works perfectly.
@dontknowletsplay how do you assign a key to start game
@dontknowletsplay said in [Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Chaos mod:
I put the folder in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5/maps
how to I load the game mode when I go to mods there is nothing -
Emu_op keys are always same. Jump, shoot and use button but it can show undefined or something not sure why that happened even player had his buttons set up correctly.
fecalfantom it doesn't show up in mods. Start some map and it will load up.
This is a very fun mod! The "out of body experience" Is a bit bugged Bullets wont damage zombies and player model occasionally goes invisible. Haven't noticed any other bugs but I figured I'd Let you know in case you would like to fix it. Thanks for the awesome mod!