[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++
Cahz Works great now, thanks
Cahz Nice work man, thats really cool
To optimize mod i think is better make less thread, on mine mod i have only 1 thread in loop to manage perks machine, and the perks thread start and stop when player get or lose perks.
But is really cool mods.
For exemple u can makeperksExemple(){ self endon("disconnect"); self endon("stop_perks"); //Solution 1: end thread when player lose it level endon("end_game"); while(self hasPerks()){ //Solution 2: end thread when player hasPerks() response false /*Something happen there*/ } }
Nice gamemode, u can make it more, just do it
Sorex what do you mean make it more?
Farzad No, i mean, his mod can be optimizied to be used on server side use a system like mine. If he can make more thats a good thing, i dont have a lot of time to make new things
Sorex ohh alright
Just tried it out on Die Rise.
Do not hold a grenade or else you will die.
Going down with PHD and Who’s Who glitches out your game and crashes.
Other than that, this is a great mod.
PlzReviveMe I haven't had the PHD and Who's Who crash... and I've played multiple games with 4 players. So unsure about that.
And as far as the holding grenade, just dont hold it all the way haha.. i could fix it, but there's really no need for something so small -
I'm getting weird bugs using this, ZombieBlood doesn't work when pickedup on Origins and when a zombie drops a powerup besides ZombieBlood (Instakill) it freezes and crashes
Don't suppose you could lend me a hand here Cahz
Vulture Aid Contributorreplied to Cahz on Apr 24, 2020, 4:11 AM last edited by Vulture Aid Apr 24, 2020, 7:13 AMThis post is deleted!
Why did you reuse the phd model from the docks in MOTD? Why couldn't you base it off of grief/cellblock? Great mod btw
Why is your source code split in 3 and not just 1 gsc that you precompiled?
Did you use compiler.exe or GSC studio?
I was going to include it with JezuzLizard's MapRestartWorkaround script.
Vulture Aid Forced to use models that are on the map. The gamemode isn't grief, thus i cannot load the grief phd flopper model.
Fry It's split into 4 gscs for anyone who wanted to edit stuff without getting lost in one long file. I use gsc studio to edit it and compile
Fry Plutonium Staffreplied to Cahz on Apr 25, 2020, 1:20 AM last edited by Fry Apr 25, 2020, 4:24 AM
Cahz said in [Release] [Zombies] ZOMBIES++ MOD (Extra Perk Machines, Powerups, more):
Fry It's split into 4 gscs for anyone who wanted to edit stuff without getting lost in one long file. I use gsc studio to edit it and compile
Ah I see. I guess I download GSC studio then.
So I notice JezuzLizard's map restart workaround exist on the zm_server_fuctions.gsc but doesn't seem to work when the round is over.
Fry I had two different versions of this mod that I had made, and there seems to be mix ups between the two. So if it is in, you should be able to use it. I have it running on my server and it works
Cahz said in [Release] [Zombies] ZOMBIES++ MOD (Extra Perk Machines, Powerups, more):
Fry I had two different versions of this mod that I had made, and there seems to be mix ups between the two. So if it is in, you should be able to use it. I have it running on my server and it works
yeah I seem to change 20 to 15 and it worked
MiguelitoS2 Cahz yeah im trying to figure out why zombie blood isnt working, any updates here?
SlyJF said in [Release] [Zombies] ZOMBIES++ MOD (Extra Perk Machines, Powerups, more):
MiguelitoS2 Cahz yeah im trying to figure out why zombie blood isnt working, any updates here?
It's because powerup isn't passed onto the original
function if it the powerup wasn't one of the user added custom ones. Instead it's just discarded.
Don't know why he missed that part when he copied over my code. -
Ox_ SlyJF I never used this mod on Origins for 2 reasons.
- There's already all the perks on that map so I never added any extra perks (so didnt test)
- I personally just don't like the map so I never tested the mod with it
I must've copied the "I removed the zombie blood" part of the code that someone else posted in the thread. Oh well. If someone wants to use this mod on Origins, they can try to fix the zombie blood... but I'm not able to fix this at this very moment.
Probably won't be able to fix the code until tomorrow