[Release] BO2 Zombie Hitmarkers
LeonFull are you sure it's not another script
mikey today the server was 24 hrs without any crash, yesterday when I activated the script 2 tranzit maps crashed. Before, there was also no crash. So yes I think it's because of that script, but you can test it too.
mikey is there a video tutorial on this? Im having trouble understanding what to do
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mikey what is init function??
you said copy all except init function but idk which of these init function -
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Hello, do you know how to fix that ? I use this file and compilated it
lUcYandYoU Hello, did you solve it?
lUcYandYoU XxUlisESSgamerxX this is caused by an error in the source.
Go to line 45 and make it like this:// a improved updatedamagefeedback do_hitmarker_internal(mod, inflictor, death)
After that, you can use the script without compiling.
Update: changed the script so it works as intended.
Hadi77KSA thank you bro, it worked
Hello.. does anyone know of a Hitmarker script similar to this but for "MP". .
How much do you charge to make it work in multiplayer?
Ghy54- VZLAxScorpion I've just made one. You can find it here: https://github.com/Hadi77KSA/Plutonium-Scripts/blob/main/t6/scripts/mp/death_red_hitmarker.gsc
To download it, click on the "Download raw file" button from the top right.
The script goes in:%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\mp
Dont work in 2024... -
Someon can help me please (pleas make a tutorial in youtube)
Arttyom77 You finally
started talking in English nicee for me only.